Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26:


                “Helena, this is my brother Scott, Scott this is my girlfriend Helena.”

                “Hello, Helena,” my brother said shaking my girlfriend’s hand. “Alex talks about you often, it is good to finally see you in person. I feel like I know you already.”

                “I wish I could say the same about you,” Helena replied.

                The three of us left the landing area and headed to the above ground part of the academy. Helena seemed to notice the differences in the building, but did not say much. I think she was just glad to be back. She had been locked up by herself with nothing up the Brotherhood to keep her company for the last year. I had no clue how she handled it.

                “So, Scott,” Helena said looking at him, “how long have you been here?”

                “About a year,” he replied. “I believe I showed up either the day or the day after you disappeared. Either way, I can see truly now how much my brother cares about you.”

                She smiled softly and squeezed my hand with her fingers that were intertwined in it.

                “What are the shades for?” she asked.

                He smiled. “Your protection. My power is one that I cannot really control. Lasers come out of my eyes in one large bolt.”

                “We call him Cyclops,” I told her.

                “Cool name,” she replied. “They call me Electra. Hmmm, I haven’t heard that in a long time.”

                “Well Electra,” Scott said, “I am wondering how my brother got a hold of such a beautiful girl. Could you clarify that for me?”

                I elbowed him in the side.

                Helena laughed. “I don’t know, maybe because he is sweet.”

                “Thanks love,” I said giving her a large smile.

                “What is your sister’s name?” Scott asked.

                “Breeze,” Helena replied.

                “I know, but her other name.”

                Helena looked puzzled. “We haven’t given her one.”

                “Well, what does she do?” Scott asked.

                Helena looked at the wall away from us. “Good question. She can control water a little, but from what I understand that is not it. Until her memories come back we might not know. From what Professor X told me on the plane, it seems Julia and Breeze are now together, no block and that stress on her mind of two people fighting over control just made her snap. It is why Professor thinks she went into the comatose state and why she now does not know who she is. She is like the Breeze from when the block wasn’t or was barely there.”

                “She knows you,” I reminded her.

                “Yes, but I almost think it would be better if she knew Banshee rather than me,” she sighed. “He is the one that knows her, and let’s face it, loves her. If anyone could have helped her, it was him. I have been out of her life for eleven years.”

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