chapter 15

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*Tyler pov*

I was standing in the stairway with Marcus, Caspar, Troye and Connor. I cheekily played the clip for a 2 time when suddenly everybody froze.

I turned to see a pale Zoe stand behind me. I saw tears form in her eyes as she ran past us. She diedent stop before she was outside and we were all still frozen.

I short while later Connor went to get Alfie and after 10 minutes he came down looking furious. He told me in a loud voice to delete the sound before grabbing his car keys heading after Zoe.

The houses were in complete kaos 10 minutes afterwards. We were all wanting to help, but no one really could. I were in the room with Louise talking with Zoes friends.

But Zoe were no where to be found. After about 2 hours me & Troye went to the pier to look and buy some dinner.

While we looked out on the ocean Troye suddenly said. You know Zoe is a virgin? We shouldent have done it.. I could hear the regret in his voice.

Zoe was after all one of his best friends. We went into this small Chinese place and they played one directions "Right Now"

I took Troyes hand giving it a tight squeeze before just holding it untill the food came and we both had to carry.

On the way back to the car my phone plinged and I was so excited to check it I almost ran to the car.

From: Alfie

Found her.

I almost screamed kissing Troyes cheek in happiness. I noticed him blushing and I went alittle red to saying lets go home

A/N I hope u liked this! please vote it up if you did:-) it Means alot to us


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