Chapter 12

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When I felt like I had my act together again, I went home, bringing the heard of horses galloping right behind me. I'm not sure whether or not I was surprised, but either way, when I went around the front to let myself in, Alex was stood there, fist raised and ready to knock.

"Turn around," I said, grinning when he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"I… I didn't see you there."

That just made me laugh though. I finally managed to say, "That was rather the point, silly."

He smiled at me, so openly. The kind of open where you feel you can see their soul in that smile. It was beautiful in the uniquest possible way. "Sorry about what Aaron did. I kinda came because I wanted to tell you that. He explained everything after I asked."

"It's okay. There was nothing you could've done," I told him. "And sorry about just abandoning you like that," I added, almost as an afterthought. There was that heavy guilt that dragged my stomach into my intestines.

"Hey, don't worry about it."

My eyes found the floor, heat flushing on my cheeks, and I said almost through gritted teeth, "But he hit you again," and indicated half-heartedly at his already swelling jawbone. "Is there really nothing I can do about that?" I asked, desperately hoping he'd say yes this time. Yes, I could do something and stop feeling so stupidly useless.

Alex was silent for a while, then finally said, "No, I've already explained why," quietly.

Something flashed in his eyes and the iris changed colour. It was back to normal so fast though I was unsure of my observations. But this wasn't the first time I'd noticed it. I really needed to speak to his mother... Then, remembering the conversation I'd started, I said, "I know, I just sort of hoped you'd changed your mind maybe or something. And please don't let Aaron do that again. That stunt was really stupid, and frankly put my entire species in a lot of danger." I knew I had no right to be angry at Alex for that.

"Yeah, I'll try," he said and I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"Hey, come on in," I invited, pushing past him gently and opening the door, letting us both in. I stood my the door, taking a moment to sense the house. It felt empty, which was just plain bizarre. This house is NEVER empty.

As if reading my mind, Alex suddenly said, "Maybe they're shopping or something."

"All of them?" I asked incredulously, but shook it off. Knowing them they could be checking out schools or something. That weirdo of a sister of mine had been rather horrified at the prospect of homeschooling. I swear she's not wholely sane.

"You want to eat something?" I asked, skipping into the kitchen.

"Uh, if you're having something."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, I fancy some honey on toast, sound okay?"

I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye, so I glided over to our toaster, grabbed the bread from next to it, and let two slices fall into two respective slots. I grinned for no reason in particular. Getting plates and the honey out, along with a couple of knives, I set everything up, going to far more effort than normal. Any other day I wouldn't bother with either the knife nor the plate.

Once everything was ready and the toasts sat steaming and golden on our plates, I said, "Bon appetite," in the worst French known to man and tucked in, giggling like a girl when I missed my mouth.

Alex smiled at me and happiness swelled in my chest.

In my head though, was the nagging thought of speaking to his mother before we move away. Somehow, I expected that that was going to happen. It broke my heart, but in the long run I also couldn't think of another solution.

The conflict inside me was heavy and demanding, but I pushed it away and focused on his laughing eyes. I loved his eyes. And I really didn't want to leave him.

I want to keep you. Those were the words swirling around my mind.

Regarding his jaw, I pulled myself out of my seat and got out a bag of frozen peas. I could feel his eyes on me as I moved, but I ignored it, going right up next to him, and gently holding the peas onto the swollen bruise.

"What are you thinking?" Alex suddenly asked me.

I shrugged. "I'm thinking I should apply some pressure?"

"Maybe," he replied, his gaze heavy on my face. I didn't dare look at his eyes. The moment had suddenly changed, and I couldn't keep up.

His hand came up to cup mine, and he pushed, so I let him, and the bag of frozen peas moved. After about ten seconds he circled his long fingurs around my wrist and pulled my hand and peas away from his face, eyes still on my face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I guess."

I suddenly noticed that he was standing, my gaze resting on his chest, and then I was wrapped in his arms, his nose was burried in my hair and I was inhaling his scent like another one of my shapes. My arms snaked themselves around his neck and I raised myself onto tip-toes.

He was warm, and I felt myself slowly melt into him, until he was finally carrying me. I felt so insanely safe, so peaceful. My mind was numb and my body limp, eyes drooping shut and I was lulled asleep by the feel of the pulse in his neck against my cheek.

I never wanted to wake up.

But when I did, Alex was gone and the only thing I could think of was speaking to his mother.

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