Do you remember Tony*3*

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I woke up in a white room. I tried to get up but couldn't because my wrist was tied to the bed with handcuffs. I looked around the room. There was a door, no windows, and a chair. After 5 minutes, man walked in carring a bowl and a cup. Wait a minute. He looks like... oh no. Its Josh. Josh is my ex boyfriend.

" hello there'' he said. I didn't say anything.

" what? You're not talking" he asked as he place the bowl and cup on the bed. I looked at the bowl, its soup.

" eat" he said and left. I ate. Then I suddently got very tired. I fell back asleep. I woke up the next day. Josh came in handing me something to drink and he left. Every few minutes Josh would came and check up on me. Next thing I knew was those minutes would turn into hours, hours would turn into days, days turned in weeks, weeks turned into months, and maybe those months turned into years. I don't know. All I know is that I've been in here for awhile. Since I've been kidnapped, Josh would bring me something to eat and drink. After I ate, I would be very tired and pass out. Pretty soon it came to the point were I'd be so weak that I couldn't keep my eyes open. One mourning I heared the door crashed open. I looked at to see 4 people in the room. I couldn't see much, but good enough to see that 1 of them was Gibbs.

" Gibbs" I asked.

" Yes we're here to resuce you'' Gibbs said. I don't remember what happen next.

I woke to the sounds of the hospital. I looked around. To my left I saw Tony with a piece of paper looking at it..

" Tony" I asked.

" How long have you known" He asked looking at me.

" what'' I asked. He showed me the picture I had of the 2 of us"oh''

" yeah" He said. I looked down.

" I was plannin on telling you, I was trying to find a way" I explained.

Do you remember me? Tony DiNozzo love storyWhere stories live. Discover now