Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

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  • Dedicated to the boy at the coffee shop

Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop

(c) yourJellyBeans R.T.



            The first time I saw her, she was all frowns. Her forehead was brooding with muted irritation. She seemed to carry so much on her slightly slouched shoulders. She was wearing a white shirt, dominated in the front by a picture of an elephant, and denim jeans that hugged her lower body effortlessly. She looked very simple compared to the other girls walking around in town. She was walking downtown, perhaps to meet a friend, or to window shop. I would never know. But what I noticed about her was how she looked at things with light in her eyes. She was a keen observer and it was what I liked about her.

            Her story is not just another love story. Nor a typical cancer story. She’d want it to be about living life to the fullest: smiling at random strangers, long conversations over the phone, sitting at the high school cafeteria, going to parties, watching movies, reading books, meeting the boy she falls in love with at a coffee shop. People can choose to do all these things without thinking life is short and unpredictable and we all die anyway, so why not? People can choose to do things in spite of the inevitable idea of death. She taught me that we can’t simply exist. We have to live. She loved and lived and hoped in spite of the fact that she was dying. Would you have done the same?


To the boy at the coffee shop,

Without you this story wouldn’t have been written.

If for some twist of fate, somehow, at some point, you stumble upon this story, know that you have been a great muse to the writer's uncontrollable passion toward bringing to life the unspoken tales of life, love, and hope.

This story, although inspired by real life events, is a work of fiction. The characters are not derived wholy from any living individuals. Similarities in names or circumstances to any person's life are coincidental and unintentional.
-Rachel T.

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