A Son's Rage

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To clear up any confusion, YES I do write all of these short stories. They are all mine.

A Son's Rage

2012 © All Rights Reserved

A story about a son's disturbing thoughts and wicked desires turned into evil actions.

"James!" my mother's voice roared through the whole house bouncing off the walls. What was she mad about this time? Something stupid, I thought. "Get your ass down here!"

Letting a sigh escape from my lips, I trudged downstairs to face what punishment she had for me. Was it going to be hair pulling or a frying pan to the face? I wouldn't know, it always caught me off guard even though I expected it.

My fingers slid against the railing to the stairs thinking of how smooth it was. I looked everywhere but my mom. Even though I wasn't staring into those soulless eyes of hers, I knew she had anger written on her face. I couldn't remember the last time I seen a real smile on her face, not the fake one she puts on when guests are over. Only if they knew of the evil that lived in that woman. Maybe they'd take me away and put me in a better home. That'd be nice.

Looking down at my bare feet, they seemed much more interesting than dealing with my mom.

I looked up for a second and stared into the eyes of the woman that stood before me, the woman I called mom. She didn't deserve that title, she wasn't much of a mom. What mom puts down their son every chance they get?

Her eyes pierced through me, for a split second fear struck through me. I quickly pushed away that emotion, no longer would I be afraid of her. Soon, all worries of this terrible woman would be gone and I'd be put at peace.

"I got a call from school today." she managed to say through her clenched teeth, her hands curled into fists. I took a step forward to show that she couldn't make me cower in fear anymore.

"And?" I asked, I had no idea what in the world she was talking about.

She was pissed and the expression on her face proved I was right.

"They said you weren't in class today." she took a step forward without any hesitation in her body. She wasn't going to win this war.

"I was in school today." I gave her a dumbfounded look, I wasn't lying, I was definitely in all my classes today. I wanted to graduate so I could get away from this hell hole.

I don't know how the school would get that wrong, I wasn't tardy to any of my classes today. It had to be a mistake, but I knew all the convincing in the world wouldn't make her believe that I was in school today. She always wanted a reason to start a fight, always wanted a reason to smack me around.

"Are you saying that they would lie? Why would they lie James?" she cocked her head at me, anger still burning up in her.

"I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders, proceeding to look back at my feet. "Maybe they made a mistake."

I don't know why I'm trying to convince her that I didn't skip, she wouldn't believe me. She always called me a rotten child, a child she never wanted, a child she wish she would have given up when she had the chance.

"Stop lying to me!" she yelled and her fist collided with my left cheek bone.

I fell to the wooden polished floor, my vision blurred in and out for a few seconds, then a head pounding headache came in. Using my hands, I propped myself up to my knees then grabbed a chair nearby to help me up.

By the time I got up, I noticed little drops of blood dripping from my mouth to the ground. My anger grew worse, but I held it back, I needed to save this anger for another time, a time where I plan to turn my thoughts into actions.

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