~Chapter Seventeen: Guilty Pleasures~

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  • Dedicated to All You Sexy Mofos Reading This

I wrote this chapter this morning, to make up for not updating in a while. So this one’s dedicated to all you guys that take your time to read, comment, or vote. Thank you!


It was a little after one in the afternoon and Savannah Ardeur was still alive.

Reaching up for the reddest and juiciest berries of the mulberry tree at the back of Dekker’s house, she could feel the eyes behind her, raking her body from head to foot. A shiver slithered down her spine, and she smiled despite herself. Like an eager child, she shoved a handful of the burgundy balls of juice into her waiting mouth. If this was to be her last day on Earth, she wanted to be transported to a childhood of mulberry bushes and stubborn crimson stains and sweet nectar.

The truth was that Savannah was still high on a toxic drug called Sex-with-Tony-Dekker – and she had no intention of coming down.

Anthony’s cologne overpowered her from behind, and she stood stock still, like a deer caught in headlights.

She felt his strong arms around her waist, and then he buried his nose in her crown of hair, inhaling deeply. Relaxing slightly, Savannah laid her ruby-stained hands on his, feeling the zing of his sun-kissed skin against hers. His mouth travelled from her hair and, his hands swiping the mass out of his way, down to the side of her neck, sucking gently. Savannah inhaled sharply, squeezing her eyes shut and letting it – whatever it was – happen.

Anthony’s hands soon made their way down her front, cupping her breasts through the material of one of his T-shirts. Braless, her nipples poked through, silently informing Tony that she was powerless to resist the hold he had on her. He teased the hardened nubs through the shirt, the sensation sending electrifying tingles through Savannah’s body.

She wanted him to take her, there and then.

Out of the blue, his hands and mouth were retracted, and he moved in front of her, raising a hand up to grab a ripe berry.

“Orgasmic,” he said quietly, his back to her as he slipped the mulberry into his waiting mouth.

“I was just about to experience one,” Savannah said through gritted teeth. “An orgasm, that is.”

“Come with me, Savannah.” Tony turned around and grabbed her hand, so tightly that she had no choice but to follow him back into the sun-filled house.

“You don’t have to amputate my hand,” she fumed, as he pulled her into the kitchen. The dishes from the night before had disappeared, resulting in a spotless kitchen. Savannah couldn’t help but feel a spurt of affection for Tony, which was just plain silly.

All he did was wash a few dishes, she thought, shaking her head ruefully.

“I want you to taste this,” Tony was saying, releasing her hand in favour of the small pot bubbling on the stove.

“Taste what?” Savannah came up and stood beside him, curious.

Tony removed the lid, revealing the chocolate fondue. Savannah eagerly leaned over it, taking a long whiff of the delicious smell.

“You’re making… fondue?” She looked up at him, her surprise transforming to suspicion. “Did you put rat poison in it? Cyanide?”

Tony let out a loud bark of laughter. “Rat poison? Sav, listen to yourself!”

They both momentarily analysed the way he had just used his old nickname for her:

Why the hell did I say that?

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