Blaze The Butterflies

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Blaze the Butterflies 

Disclaimer: I’m a big fat liar. The title is from an art piece by Lindsey Way from her collection Hush Also there’s no real storyline I just kind of felt like writing but I had no real ideas so this is the result also the cake is a lie 

“He’s cute” Frank says

“Yeah in a of going-to-tie-you-to-your-car-then-set-it-on-fire-whilst-scratching-all-your-good-CDs-kind-of-way”

Frank could see neither fault nor problem with Lyn’s analogy 

“So romantic” He swoons resting his head on his hands, lunch ignored 

“Tell me Frank, what do my words mean to you?” Lindsey asks, stealing Frank’s sandwich 

“Do you think he tops or bottoms?”

Lindsey looks up from Frank’s lunch and out across the playground --they’re in fucking high school why do they still have a playground? —To where the new kid is sitting miserably next to his brother, glaring and pouting in equal measures. 

“Tops, definitely” she decides with a nod “the quiet ones always do”

“Mm” Frank agrees, sinking more into his open palms, probably getting splinters on his elbows from the table. If elbows are even a place you can get splinters. He’s sure he could manage. “He’s beautiful”

The boy flicks out his lighter and snaps at it a few times, still glaring at the cheerleaders from under his hair, his brother is just as cheerful, headphones glued in, and Lunch in a similar condition to Frank’s. Well to Frank’s before Lyn realised he wasn’t going to eat it. 

“I must have him,” Frank says

“Oh must you?”

“I really must” 

Lindsey hm’s and finishes the last of the PBJ then picks at her nails and looks thoughtful, considering the callouses on her fingers for a moment. “You here by have my blessing. As long as you are sure you must” she says, and then adds, “Just don’t wear too much hairspray around him” as an afterthought

“You ate my food” is apparently about as grateful as Frank is going to get 

Lindsey shrugs and slings her messenger bag over her shoulder, crumbs still hanging around her mouth “I felt like I deserved it” she says.


New kid is a senior so Frank doesn’t see him much outside of the playground though he does still find out that his name is Gerard and his brother is Mikey and he is the most beautiful person to have ever walked the planet. Gerard not Mikey, though they both could have just walked out of a modelling agency really. Frank wishes that his mum had super genes for like the fifth time that day because then Gerard would notice him. But alas no because the world hates Frank and his teenaged dick.

So Frank has to make the most of his lunchtime staring time, which means he doesn’t often see his food—Lindsey actually stops brining her own in—but he does see a whole lot of gorgeous pained artist possible pyromaniac new guy. Which is simultaneously awesome and totally heart breaking because Frank is in love—he’s pretty sure. 

He says as much to Lindsey who replies a few minutes later once her mouth isn’t full of bread and peanut butter 

“Oh you poor tortured soul” She coos, brushing the crumbs from her binder- when the fuck did Lindsey get a binder? —And pouting appropriately “Why don’t you go talk to him?”

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