The Discovery Of Anna...

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It was September 4,2011.Anna was going to her friends house Vanessa's.When she arrived at Vanessa's house she noticed that it was all quiet,dark,scary looking.but the most scary part was that there was blood on the window's,porch,grass,front door everywhere I went I saw blood I was freaked out.Then I got closer to the door but right when I was going to hit the door bell Vanessa yelled from the side of the house an Anna jumped when Vaness said "heyy".Anna said "OMG you scared me" Vanessa then said"sorry an the theme of my party is Horror so that's why their's blood all over the place" Anna then said "oh well you did good on decorating && where's everybody" Vanessa replyed "there all in my backyard" Anna said "oh well lest go to the backyard"...

When they entered the gate to the backyard Anna jumped an said "OMG" Vanessa then said "what's wrong Anna???" Anna then said "oh nothing".

In the backyard there where teenagers that were dressed all scary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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