*Chapter Twenty-Two*

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*Chapter Twenty-Two*

Aurora shut her eyes tighter and pressed her forearm against her eyes, blocking the brightness out. No matter what she tried, her senses were gradually awakening. She groaned, turning over and attempting to block the world out.

She wasn’t ready to wake –

Aurora bolted up, her eyes wide open and her mouth unhinged in shock. Rivulets of water rolled down her face and hair, dripping onto her shirt and the ground. Her initial state of shock slowly dissipated, replaced by overwhelming rage. If Aurora could have any superpower she wished, she would choose to have the ability to kill with a single glance. Right now, she needed it more than ever. Her gaze fixated on a certain demon sitting nonchalantly by the small brook.

“What was that for?” she said through gritted teeth, standing up and marching over to Adrian. Adrian tried – keyword tried – not to smile. She balled her fists. “Adrian.”

“You looked too peaceful. I just had to -”


Aurora smirked evilly, looking down at the shocked blond bursting through the surface of the stream. Aurora giggled – yes, giggled – at the sight. She couldn’t help it. Adrian’s face was comical. His eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. For a moment, the dampness of her clothes was forgotten. The demon slowly recomposed his feature, and a dangerous glint entered his eyes. Aurora’s laugh cut short. It took her brain a moment to respond.

It was too late. Not even a second later, Aurora’s body hit the surface of the water. For the second time within a twenty-four hour span, she experienced the horrifying feeling of being unable to breathe.

“Oh, Demon, it’s on.”

Aurora regretted it. She really did. Not only were the two of them completely drenched, but they had also wasted the morning drying their clothes. Aurora groaned. Why did she fall for such an immature act?

“Dude, this is all your fault. We wasted -”

Aurora grabbed the log next to her and threw it with all her might at the demon across her. It struck his forehead before bouncing off and landing by Adrian’s feet. The demon glared angrily at her, his eyes promising revenge.

“What was that for?”

“Don’t give that confused look!” She raised her hand and pointed it right at him. Her voice shook with anger. “This is your fault! Yours!”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“Huh? What did you just mutter? Did I hear something?”

“Yea -”

“No, you didn’t say anything! Before we waste any more time, can we go?”

She stood up, dusting herself. She ran a hand through her hair and picked up the curved blade on the ground. “Since I’ve already gotten one of the pieces, I can’t hide anymore. We have to get the other four pieces. What?”

Adrian smirked, pure amusement lit up in his blue eyes. Aurora’s own eyes widened. Wait…

“Did I just say we?”

“It’s possible.”

Aurora groaned. “Never mind that, time is running short.”

The two made their way through the woods with Adrian leading the way. Aurora glanced at his back with worry.

“You sure you know the way? There’s a compass -”

“I don’t need a human invention’s help,” he said. Aurora didn’t need to see his face to know that he felt insulted. She held back her frustration. Why must he be so stubborn?

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