Chapter 14 - Two Worlds

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The weekend went by too fast.

I feel like I didn’t kiss her enough, even though she would say that I definitely made up for our time apart.

But now I have no choice but to go back to my duties. I’ve missed out on a lot. First, I was in the hospital for ages and then I finally went back to the air force base for week. So, I haven’t done my rounds at any of my charities or foundations in a very long time.

And now is my chance to get back into the swing of things.

“Your Highness, the crowds are waiting,” my assistant Oleg says from across the room.

One of the biggest races of the season is going on today, and I am scheduled to not only appear but give the opening speech. The Voscovich Derby has been one of my appearances for years, but this time I’m giving the opening speech, not my father. Although he’s here with me he has encouraged me to start taking over things like this.

“Well, we shouldn’t keep them waiting now, should we?” I suppose as I I tighten my tie. Turning on my heel, I walk towards the door and follow him out. The crowds are so loud I can hear them even from here, just across the road from the actual stadium. Dad joins us just before we reach the foyer.

“We’ll be entering from the main gate, Your Majesty, Your Highness, for a brief walk about,” dad’s assistant, Albert tells us. He briskly walks ahead of us with Oleg and opens the doors.

Great. Walk a bouts. Those things. I haven’t done one of those in months. Walk a bouts are fun if they’re not filled with crazies. Hopefully I won’t be walking through rows of screaming women this time.

As soon as I step outside the hoards of people begin to shout. Everything from, ‘your highness’ to ‘ben’ is yelled at me. The photographers opt for ‘highness’—a term I never understood. Are they just too lazy to say the whole title?

The owner of the race course and the board of co-owners are already there to greet us. As usual, dad breezes through the shaking of hands. I bet he’s eager to get to the normal people lining the walkway. Ever since meeting Anna, he’s become more aware of his need to interact with the middle and lower classes more. In fact, it’s reminded me of that as well.

“Your Highness!” The first group of people pushed up against the rope barrier shouts, almost in unison.

I oblige them with a hello and a smile. The very first person I shake hands with is an elderly woman, who’s beaming from ear to ear.

She dips into a wobbly curtsey, and when I tell her there’s no need for that she says, “Your Highness, of course there is. How are you feeling?”

With a nod I answer, “Very well, thank you—arm is still a tad bit sore at times, but it’s bearable.”

“That’s wonderful to hear!” She says with a bright smile. “And the Crown Princess is well too?”

“She’s wonderful,” I answer happily. It’s great to hear Vladesvyans taking such an interest in her. “Thank you for asking.”

“Your Highness! Your Highness where’s the Princess!?” Someone behind her shouts.

I answer, “At her older brother’s graduation actually—but I’m sure she would have loved to be here.”

“Will we see her at the next race?” The next person asks as I shake their hand.

With a nod I reply, “Yes, as soon as she gets back here.”

“Your Highness, we’re so excited for your wedding!” Someone in the next group of people says excitedly. “We’re going to camp out ahead of time!”

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