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Hey guys, I'm sorry that this chapter may not be as good as the previous but I wanted to get this out before a week as I hate making people wait so I wrote this when I was on the verge of sleep after exams this week.-. Anyway, I hope that you like it and Comment/Vote if you like it. <3


On Monday I was off to school with Mycah on my mind. Having these strange, and surprisingly dull, fantasies about me and him just being 'friends', it was just weird. I was actually imagining what it would be like to talk and laugh with him, no imagining what his soft, plump lips would feel like pressed against my own, as he held me close, oh god now I was imagining it...

Sunday I had spent watching his other videos, admiring just him altogether, raising my eyebrows whenever I saw another amazingly cool thing which we had in common. It was weird the amount of bands, movies and TV shows that we both liked. We had actually send messages to each other too, exchanging sweet words about all our feelings and commenting on some pictures that we had reblogged or posted.

But now?

Now it was Monday morning. The devil of the week, hidden by the disguise of ‘a fresh start to a brand new week’. In reality it was a day where you had to drag yourself out of bed at a ridiculous hour of the morning; feeling as if a train had hit you in the night, crawl around the house like you inhabit the undead within your body whilst attempting to get ready and then force yourself into hell itself which is commonly known as school.

Today began the first thirty-nine of these days of torture. 

Resting my head against the cool window of the bus as I stared out at the suburban neighbourhood drifting past, becoming a swirl of colours. Yawning loudly, I stood up with a few others from my school that got the same bus as it pulled up outside the large school, the frozen hell itself.

 I spent most of my school day, trying to block out dreamy nonsense for the sake of my academic performance. Unfortunately...'Sexy Tumblr boy' versus 'mindless educational routine' isn't much of a fair fight for a 16 year old hopeful girl. I mean like, the teachers were only introducing themselves and the courses we would complete this year, where’s that educational value in that? The only thing worthy of breaking my sappy habit of staring off into space was having Nathan James call out my name in the hallway.

Even though it was clearly me that he was talking to, I took a moment to look around, just to make sure. Then again, maybe there was a part of me that was worried that Embry would see me even acknowledging his existence and would run up and tackle me from where I stood. Who knows? Maybe he should. I know that it had only been a month now since Nate basically dumped me for not being older and not perfect enough. And that would probably still rub most people kinda raw. sick as it is to admit it, Nate was first love.

How screwed up is that? What a fudging waste of a first love, right?

And yet, still at his beck and call, I crossed the busy hallway to follow him into a nearby classroom to...'talk', I guess.

As soon as we were inside, Nate looked all around the classroom, checking behind the doors and in the storage closet. "Hello? Anybody in here?" He called out, he went over to the window to pull it shut, and then stood against a desk where he could watch the door. I don't know why I'd expect anything less. I mean… I was just a pathetic, younger, needy girl to him, after all.

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