What Hides In The Dark

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I switched off the lights and waited in the darkness, holding my breath until, 

"Hello." a voice rasped 

I resisted my bodies urge to bolt and stood still as its breaths tickled my neck.

"You're here." I managed without stuttering 

"No, you're here." it responded, its dark form approaching me, surrounding me... "The darkness is my home; That you have so rudely let yourself into." it hissed, grabbing me and dragged its claws across my throat, stinging me.

"Oh" I gasped before I quietly pulled my knife from my belt, spun and then lunged, it grabbed my arm and chuckled.

"I should have known you weren't as helpless as you seemed, you're good, but me? I'm monstrous."

I slammed into the wall biting my lip in the process of holding back a yelp. It sniffed.

"Blood?" it asked, momentarily distracted.

"Yes." I whispered freeing my arm.

"Blood." The knife pierced its heart and it disappeared. Exhausted, I switched on my nightlight and fell into a peaceful sleep.

 Sample, what do you guys think? I'm so bad at committing to just one story, I keep getting ideas for new ones. I know there aren't a ton of readers but some feedback would really help me out to get motivated to finish up some of my stories. Where do see this going? Do you find It interesting? Thanks in advance.

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