Chapter 23: Practice with Disappointments and Surprises

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A/n Hey guys, yes it's another brand new chapter. I hope you guys like it. Some of you might hate me a little bit for it but I hope that you will forgive me at the end. Thanks for reading and supporting this story it means a lot to me.

Please vote and comment. I will try to be updating once a week so please be patient and if any of you are still insterested in making a book trailer for this book it's still welcome and open.

Ps. Introducing a new character that will be protraying Steven Strait. Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 23: Practice with Disappointments and Surprises

Blake’s Pov

“ the with me....” I whisper nervously mumbling the words as I looked at my reflection on the mirror in front of me then sigh in frustration then pass my hands on the back of the neck trying to get rid off the tension that I was feeling.

Come on. I thought as I looked up as a prayer. I can do this. Asking a girl to the dance wasn’t hard. I have done it before. Well not really not to the dance anyway but just to go out have some fun and get what I wanted from them but why was this so hard? Why?

“Shake it off, Blake.” I said while clearing my throat and rotating my shoulders. “You can do this.”

I shifted my gaze to the mirror again and realize how pathetic I was been I was supposed to be in third period class instead I was in the men’s room practicing on how to ask a girl to the dance, but not just any girl at all, the mother of my child, Holly Evans. I laugh at that to myself.

“Stupid. You are such an idiot. Just ask her.” I said frustrated with myself as my eyes went back to the mirror.

“Yeah, man all this stuff is just pure nonsense and you are just been an idiot.” An annoyed voice said from one of the bathroom stalls and I turned around to see one of my old friends Nick Williams with a cigarette on his left hand.

“I thought I was alone.” I said feeling embarrassed now as my cheeks redden.

Nick smirk as he pass his right hand through his shaded dark brown hair, “Yeah, well check to see if you are really alone next time.” he said as he step closer and sit down one of the sinks then open the water tab to put out his cigarette.

“Yeah, I guess I should have check.” I said turning myself again but this time to face him as slide my hands inside my black jeans pockets.

Nick chuckles at something which made me wondering what it was as his brown eyes trace over mine.

“What’s so funny?”

“You, man. Look at you practicing in the mirror on how to ask a girl to a stupid dance it’s pathetic.” he said while bursting out laughing.

“Yeah go head, laugh it up.” I insisted while he continue to do so.

After a short while he finally said after gathering his breath, “Seriously, man. Is it really that hard.” he said while I chew my bottom lip without a word as I raise my eyebrows then he added, “Who are you trying to ask to the dance anyway? Is it Courtney?” he added a second later in shock.

“Ewww. No. No man.” I said while putting my hands up in the air backing up. “That’s been over for a really long time.”

“Thank god. She is really a piece of work who doesn’t know how to give up.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“But you had it coming anyway knowing how she was madly in love with you.”

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