Chapter 3

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I yawned sleepily, burrowing deeper into the warm covers. I felt someone’s gaze on me, so I opened one eye and looked around cautiously. My heart began to beat faster and I shut my eye swiftly, the image clearly burned into my eyelids. Aunt Martha- I mean mommy Margaret- was stroking a blond lock of hair.

It looked almost exactly like my hair.

I feigned deep sleep, my chest moving up and down at regular intervals. I listened as Mommy Margaret mumbled on about something, but I couldn’t make out most of the words. Daring to open my eye again, I peeked out through the covers and hid in quick succession. Mommy Margaret was crying.

I struggled to comprehend her watery babble, and deciphered a couple sentences. “Oh Luka, I miss you so much. I remember how you used to smile at me. But don’t worry about me, now. I’ve found you again. You’ve found me again,” she whispered, fading off into more sobs.

Even though I knew something was wrong, the whole Luka thing confused me. I thought mommy Margaret told me I was Luka. If I wasn’t the real Luka, then what happened to him? Where did he go? Why did she have his hair, and why was she crying over it?

I figured that now was as good a time as any to wake up, so I yawned loudly and stretched lazily before propping myself up on the bed. Mommy Margaret had hidden the lock of hair somewhere and now she sat at the mini table in our room, staring eerily at me. Her bright eyes took in my light blond hair, striking blue eyes, and tentative smile.

“Morning Luka,” she called quietly, beckoning me closer to her. Hesitantly I got up and moved towards the table, my mind still wondering who Luka was. “Morning mommy,” I replied loudly. I wanted her to be proud that I remembered the game.

She finally smiled, brushing her flaming red hair out of her eyes. “What would you like for breakfast, Luka? After all you’re five now and you should be able to choose your own meal.”

I puffed my chest out, happy that mommy Margaret was letting me be independent. Mommy would have never let me choose my own breakfast, I thought to myself. Not Grandma or Grandpa or…

Suddenly I remembered last night, when Mom had to leave early because of Grandpa. I opened my mouth to ask about visiting when I realized that I wouldn’t be Luka if I asked about Grandpa. I would be Luke, and lose the game. I really didn’t like losing because if you win you get a prize.

Scrunching my face up, I thought hard about how to ask if we were going to see Grandpa. I nodded my head a few times before smiling proudly up at mommy Margaret. “Mommy, you know your bestest friend?”

Her grin disappeared and her face became expressionless, meticulously studying the wall over my shoulder. “What about her?”

Mommy Margaret’s cold voice startled me, making me less confident of asking the question. “Um, her dad, are we going to see him today? Make sure he’s okay?”

She turned her brown eyes on me, staring for a long minute until she broke out in a deliberate smile. It scared me a little to see that smile because it looked so wrong on her motherly face. It seemed like it belonged to an evil scientist more than a family friend.

“You see, baby,” mommy Margaret answered slowly. “it was just a mistake. Nothing happened to him, and it was all just a big misunderstanding. She called and asked how the trip was going though, and said we can stay for as long as we want. Where do you want to go now, little Luka?”

I bristled a bit at her calling me little but brightened up considerably. “Chuck E. Cheeses!” She laughed at my suggestion and patted my head lovingly. “Dear Luka that won’t be open for a few hours yet. Why don’t I just go and get you some breakfast? What would you like?”

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