braking the habit and resons

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It was now Harry's turn. He was dressed in his favorite pair of skinny jeans and Metallica t-shirt. He grabbed the microphone took a look at his parents who were watching him suspiciously. The sky in the great hall turned a dark midnight black. Thunder and lightning clapped down. This happened when he was feeling some strong emotion. It didn't matter if he was excited or angry it was always dark and raining. Right now he was angry.

Lily P.O.V.

She was still mad that these people booed her baby. Well he was fourteen but still her baby. 'How dare they!' She thought angrily. Now Harry was there to steal away his attention. With his strange abilities. She knew he was responsible for the thing with the sky. What was he going to do now? He was probably going to sing some dirty song that talked about killing or something. The little monster.

James P.O.V.

Even though he paid more attention to Ross, Harry was always his favorite. Not even the prophecy could change that. He only ignored his eldest because Albus and Lily told him that it was for the best to pay more attention to Ross.

Flashback 1980 September 10th midnight Order of the Phoenix meeting.

"Twins born to the light as the seventh month dies. Born to those who have thrice defied him. Both shall have the power to defeat the Dark Lord. One shall have the power of light and love. The other Darkness bends to his will. The Darkness in his soul he can control. The Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal. Twins born to the light as the seventh month dies." As Sybil Taralwany (Sp?) finished the prophecy James and Lily Potter were worried. 'Had they just given birth to a new Dark Lord? One more powerful than Voldemort? After that night it was clear who the light one was and who the Dark one was. James still spent time with Harry but one day when the child was almost three Lily and Dumbledore confronted him.

"James I think it is best for you to not spend as much time as you are with young Harry." Dumbledore said.

"What why?"

"He is Dark. It is best that he does not be exposed to magic at an age where his magical core is still developing. If he is exposed to magic then his magical core grows. We cannot have another Dark Lord in this world. I thought that we could wipe his memory and send him to muggles."

"No, that is not happening! I will not send him to muggles."

James' protests were the only thing keeping Harry with his family. Even if he was never allowed to spend time with his oldest son he could still be proud when he, Harry, did something good or new.

He was broken out of his thoughts by the music starting. Harry closed his eyes and sang.

Memories consume.

Like opening the wound.

I'm picking me apart again.

'How can you pick yourself apart?' James thought. Harry suddenly opened his eyes and looked directly at the audience almost accusingly.

You all assume

I'm safe here in my room.

Unless I try to start again.

'Start what again?'

I don't want to be the one

The battles always choose.

'Cause inside I realize

That I'm the one confused.

I don't know what's worth fighting for.

my stupid emo twinWhere stories live. Discover now