Chapter 5

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"Come on, guys, smile" my mom says tring to get a photo of the three of us. Florida. I'm age 15. We are at a beach.

"Look" Jamie exclaims. I turn my head back. Baby turtles are hatching closer to the sea. All three of us begin running towards them.

"Guys!" my mom yells, "What about the picture?"

Soon my whole family is laughing and holding the sea turtles. Laughter is in the air. We are having the time of our lives.

Crash! I brace for impact. Car acciendent. Age 17

"No" my dad screams. He starts to sob. I adjust my eyes to the light. Im in a hosptial. Day of the accident. My dad has fallen to the floor sobbing. "Why" he crys out. I begin to cry. I know what has happened. They are all dead.

"Dad" i whisper. He looks up, tears rolling down his face. He rushes over quickly and hugs me. We sob for the longest time. News about the death of my family. Age 17


. I will edit the next chapter in a little while. I am completely redoing the book. same idea but I'm approaching it in a different matter. I am sorry these first chapters are shorter but this will be the last one


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