23. The truth and the broken hopes

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Dedicated to Youremycatonite! We're writing a Larry story together so don't forget to fan her so you can read it when we post the first chappie :) and while you're there. Why not read her other Larry fic 'Flaming Horse'? It's one of my favourites!

Why hello there.

I just thought i'd mention that i have over 400 fans and that this story now has over 70,000 reads.

Umm what?

Excuse me while i go outside and scream, i mean seriously?!? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

But instead of rambling about how absolutely incredible every single on of you are, (like i'm sure you already know since i've told you enough times) let's just get on with one of the final chapters... well semi finals....

*Gasps in shock and horror*

Well it had to end eventually didn't it? But not yet. I still have plenty of ideas to keep it going for a little while longer.

But i have to say, i greatly enjoyed reading your comments on the last chapter, and i see that the whole Unknown POV thing confused and irritated you. Which made me weirdly happy because you're all going to scream when you finish reading this chapter.

Happy screams?

Or screams of battle when you hunt me down and stab me with some kind of ancient burial spear or something....

Either way, i enjoy screwing with your emotions!

But that's why Niall's there i guess. I made his part in this story as a kind of 'Comedy Relief' from all the drama and sadness. Did it work?

Anywhoo...Lets continue shall we?

Oh yeah and when you get close to the end listen to the song on the side bar. Emotional is it not?


Niall's POV

It had been almost a week since i first woke up and still nothing.

After the first day of being in hospital, Liam Zayn and Harry didn't want to leave but eventually i got them to go home by telling them they looked like crap and smelt like they'd been hanging out with chain smokers. Sure it's harsh but it was every bit true. The boys came to see me everyday and tried everything they could to help me remember but NOTHING!

This is so frustrating!

And it doesn't help that i'm stuck in a hospital bed since i've been deemed 'Mentally unfit'  to go out and do anything. I'm the only one who has the right to call myself crazy!

Sure. I lost a little bit too much blood and it all went to my head and i know it'll take a couple of weeks to even start recovering, but no one likes hearing that they're insane.

And you know what the worst part is? My hands sting like crazy! i can't use them for anything because they've been bandaged up so thickly they went numb about four days ago.

But now that i think about it... i guess it's not too bad. It means i can't actually use my own hands to eat sure, but then i get fed like a baby! It's the dream! i can eat without having to lift a finger! And then Liam randomly offered to help the nurses and he's been doing it for them! That;s how it always works, whenever one of us are sick, Liam automatically becomes their slave, completely by his own decision. He wants to make sure we have a quick and healthy recovery and he does anything to make sure that happens.

It's nice knowing i can just tell Liam to do something and he does it without question... Wow that sounded dirty. Oh well. Liam Payne's my bitch and that's all that matters.

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