28- Wicked

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28- Kidnapped By Vampires? But it's My Time of the Month!


I'm going to do something I've never done before. For part 28, I want 5 votes to be able to start writing part 29. I promised myself I'd never do this, but I'm tryin it out. So go! Vote! Vote! Vote! Commenting and fanning is also appreciated :)


I'm really starting to get worried. All of us have been calling Lilly's phone like crazy, but she hasn't answered even once. It's been 30 minutes since we got here and there's still no sign of her. David seems to be the only one who's not that worried, which I found kind of strange, but it seems to me their relationship has suffered quite a bit after the "incident." I breathe out in frustration. That girl is so dead.

Dylan is just as angry as I am. His face has become dark and unresponsive, causing any human to think twice about approaching him. I stare into the water of the pool, thinking up thousands of scenarios in my head about what could have happened to her. I don't trust that human boy as far as I can throw- Well, never mind. I just don't trust him. Lilly couldn't see it, but he has touched quite a few women before.

Looking up to check on Dylan, (he's being quite temperamental tonight) I see he's gone from where he was rigidly standing to go over and talk to one of the boys that the blonde human hung around with. Too many voices are talking over each other, that I can't quite make out what's being said between them. All I see is Dylan's face go from deadly to lethal in a matter of seconds. Something the human said must have set him off. Derrick is beside Dylan right away, a hand on his shoulder. Dylan's expression is murderous and all I see next is the boy being picked up off the ground and thrown inhumanly fast into the pool. Some of the girls that are in the pool scream in surprise. The boy comes up to the surface and starts wading to the side slowly. Some of his friends go to help him out with confused expressions on their faces, wondering just how he ended up in the pool that was 20 feet from where he was standing. Dylan suddenly appears beside me.

"We've got to go. Now." He doesn't wait for my response and quickly goes to his car. I see David mention something to Derrick and the latter rolls his eyes after Dylan and then goes back to his entourage of teenage girls.

"Daniel, don't worry about it. The boy just told Dylan that the blonde one had taken Lilly home. She wasn't feeling well. I got a hold of her a few minutes ago and she said she was fine and to have fun without her. Dylan just overreacted." I sigh in relief.

"Okay. Will you follow Dylan then? Who knows what'll happen. I'll stay here. Lilly won't want me there anyway." I pick up my beer and take a long drink. This level of alcohol doesn't really do anything to me, but it takes the edge off. David nods his head and leaves through the gate. I look around for a little bit and decide on a girl that's suitable to my taste. I can worry about Lilly later.


That bastard human. I've heard of tricks like these before. Take a woman out in the middle of nowhere, give her an ultimatum, and see which one she takes. This is probably not the first time the boy's done this. I should've been more careful and checked around. At least he uses the same place every time. His mistake was bragging about it to his friends. Now I know exactly where they should be. Hopefully, I'm not too late.

I drive for about 10 more minutes on the country road when I spot headlights in the distance. I park right behind it. But already, I know something is very wrong. I get out of the car and approach the truck cautiously. The driver's side door has been completely torn off and the passenger's is left wide open. My breath catches in my throat. Yes. There is something definitely wrong here.

The smell hits me. There's no mistaking what it is. Blood. I was worried it was Lilly's at first, but no, this is a male. I follow the scent out to the wheat field. They just planted not to long ago, so it's not too tall yet. I hear someone groan. It's the human boy. Walking up to the crumpled figure on the ground, I hold my breath. The scent of blood is overwhelming. I bend down to turn him over. Luckily he's still breathing, but he's drifting in and out of consciousness. It doesn't look too serious, just some broken bones, maybe some fractures and a few open cuts.

"Hey. Wake up." I slap his face a little to jostle him. He blinks and tries to focus on me.

"What happened?" He whispers to me, closing his eyes again and groaning loudly from the pain.

"That's what I would like to know. Where's Lilly?" My voice is low and threatening.

"Lilly. Oh Go-" He winces and clenches his eyes shut. I slap his face again. I have no compassion for this boy whatsoever. Who knows what he did to Lilly.

"I-I don't know. One second I was with her, the next I'm here. I don't know what happened!" I drop him back to the ground and stand up. The blood splattered from some of his open gashes shines under the bright, waxing moon. If I leave him here, he'll die, but if I don't find out what happened to Lilly, she could be in danger.

Just as I'm about to pick the human up from the ground, blinding pain shoots down my spine. I sink to my knees, hands shaking. A silver end of a knife glints in the light where it protrudes from my abdomen. I can feel the shattered disks on my spinal chord and the puncture in my left lung, excruciatingly close to my heart. I hear the crunching of trampled wheat under someone's approaching steps. I swivel my head around trying to fight the darkness that is developing around me. A figure swarms into my view and all I can see next until everything goes dark is my own burning hatred.


We leave the dirt road behind and walk hand in hand towards the moon. He talks to me about things and I listen, while enjoying the deep and luxurious tone to his voice. Some of my clothes were torn from that boy and I shiver from the lack of clothing in this cool and peaceful night August brings. I look up at him, and I notice his eyes already looking at me. We stop and he pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest. There's no place I would rather be than here right now. I wonder when I started being like this. An utter fool that is. When I'm with him, nobody else matters. Not my brother...or anybody. And I don't know why.

Cupping my face, the man looks deep into my eyes, and my eyelids start to droop. Picking me up off the ground, he begins walking, murmuring things so I can feel the vibration in his chest. I fall asleep in his arms as the dry grass crunches under his feet.


This is bad. It all started as a ploy to get her brother to come back willingly. But now..... I'm finished. The more I see her, the more I want to keep her. The first dream I ever visited of her was just to warn Daniel. I had known her mother died so I used it to my advantage. Now I can't even imagine bringing her alarm. And that...that human who touched her. I wanted to rip his head from his shoulders. I knew that would upset her though. I've become weak.


Yes! Now go vote! Or was that terrible? Did you hate it?

I can finally see the end! Muahahahahaha!

That doesn't mean it will be soon, but I finally see the end ;)

Yep! It's right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HERE.

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