37: Awkward Prank

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BTW #179 in Humor & #286 in Teen Fic! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!

37: Awkward Prank

"I want you to help me prank Clarke!" was the first thing Saffron said when I closed my locker shut.

"What? I don't know what went on, but uh no thanks!" I fakely smiled turning away. No way am I getting dragged into something else again.

Course she caught up, "Please! He totally deserves it. All I want to do is get access on his locker and play the prank." She then pouted and grabbed into my arm. "Pleeease!" she dragged.

I gritted my teeth, "Fine!" I hissed. "But if anything goes wrong, it's all down to you," I warned.

She happily grinned and pulled me over the Clarke's locker.

Fifteen minutes later, once everyone began to arrive, Saffron and I hid behind the wall.

"This crap better work..." she mumbled as Clarke came in followed by Fox and Kyle. They stood in front their locker talking away.

"Aw look!" I poked as Cassandra and Austin arrived hand in hand attracting looks of jealousy, aw and anger.

They both walked over to the guys, "Crap!" Saffron swore.

They were all talking for a while and giving dirty comments to the couple. Then Cassandra kissed Austin off and started walking by.

Without thinking, I grabbed Cassandra's hand and pulled her in. "What the hell?!" she whisper yelled.

Saffron glared, "Shush!" she said putting two fingers on her lips.

"We're playing a prank on Clarke," I elaborated flicking Saffron. "Anyway, how's you and your b-f?" I asked wagging my brows and nudging her.

She blushed and shyly smiled, "Amazing, I mean yesterday we went around in a carriage. It was so romantic! I can't believe he's mine," she said dreamily looking at the wall and no longer at me. She has the love bug!

Guess who one the bet? Me! But I'm going to let it slide because I don't really care about the money anymore. Love and happiness is way more than money.

"Hey, gossip queens!" Saffron barked. "Look he's about to open it," she smirked looking back at Clarke.

Cassandra and I got up to hide behind the wall and look secretly. I spotted Nicole opposite us watching us in confusion.

I put a finger to my lips and pointed towards the boys, she nodded but still looked in confusion.

Then Clarke opened his locker... BAM!

All of a sudden pink dye exploded on their faces along with a stink bomb that had stunk up the hallways. Everyone stayed silent and covered their noses.

However I burst out laughing falling on top of Cassandra who fell on top of Saffron laughing as we did so. Then Nicole joined us in the laughing marathon. Soon enough everyone else in the hallways joined us laughing at the four boys covered in dye.

"SAFFRON!" Clarke screamed stomping to us.

Well... Oh snap! It was fun while it lasted!

Thankfully we didn't get in trouble as it was a "science experiment gone wrong" as Saffron had said.

We didn't see the guys in first period when we had French, must be trying to scrub the dye off, or the smell. But it was sort of freaking me out...

It was English now, Mrs Hill seemed in a very happy mood. Weird.

I took my seat but it felt a bit wrong. Cassandra was facing me and also felt something wrong in her seat. "Um..." I stood up and attempted to look at my butt.

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