Kristin: Bad morning for a run

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I couldn't sleep... again. All I could think about was how weird Derek had acted yesterday. Everything was going great one minute and then he was running to the bathroom the next. He was clearly having a good time I even had hard proof, so why did he freak out? I was never going to understand guys.

"Maybe I've been the problem, maybe I'm the one to blame
But even when I turn it off and blame myself, the outcome feels the same
I've been thinkin maybe I've been partly cloudy, maybe I'm the chance of rain
Maybe I'm overcast, and maybe all my lucks washed down the drain."

Stars by Switchfoot blasted through my ear buds as I ran along the track, I felt bad for the abuse I put my ears through, but I was frustrated and loud music helped calm me, the louder the better.
It was just after five in the morning and the sun was still partially hiding, meaning my vision was very limited. I was on high alert for Derek. He had a way of coming out of nowhere and almost scaring me to death, although it had been almost fifteen minutes and there was no sign of him- so I started to relax.
Until every hair on my body stood straight all of a sudden, I had a bad feeling like someone was stalking me, someone who wasn't Derek. I peered over my shoulder as I started to sprint along the path and I saw the glimpse of a dark shadow before it disappeared into the trees.
My heart started racing as I continued to run as fast as possible before I ripped out my ear buds. All I could hear was my heartbeat thumping in my ears, and the sound of my feet crunching on the gravel. The adrenaline was rushing through my veins and seemed to give me some extra speed as I started my escape. I just had to get to the Hale house and then I was going to be fine.
I peered over my shoulder again to see what looked like an animal chasing after me. It knew I had spotted it and mustn't have seen the point in hiding anymore.
What the hell? I thought to myself as the panic started to surge through my body.
I had thought that it was a human chasing me, not an animal. How the hell was I meant to outrun an animal? It was impossible. Without thinking I let my instincts take over and they fled into the woods.
The fear was finally starting to surface but I had an idea of what I was doing, I needed a tree I could climb up and hopefully the animal wasn't going to be able to follow.
A shriek escaped my lips as I tripped over a branch and fell to the ground. I heard the animal growl in the distance and I looked over my shoulder, it looked like a wolf gaining on my position, but I wasn't sure. I could only see the outline of the animal.
Can't be, there aren't wolves in California. I thought to myself as the panic started to suffocate me.
I couldn't hear the animal as I rushed to my feet but felt its claws as it swiped at the back of my calf. The scream was high pitched and very loud, and it took a few seconds to register that it had come from me. I certainly didn't know I could scream like that.
I had heard animals could smell fear and I tried to stay calm, but all I could think about as I ran was that I was going to be killed by a god damn wolf! Out of all the ways to die, I was going to be mauled to death and eaten.
What the fuck! I screamed to myself as I continued to run for my life.
My leg stang like crazy. I heard the snarling and jumped on the nearest tree- I didn't have time to check how high it was, or if it was even climbable. It was going to have to do.
The wolf's claws connected with my calf again and another scream projected from my lungs as my flesh tore. My eyes were adjusting, although I still couldn't see properly. I lost my grip a few times as I reached out for the branches and tried to find my footing. The animal continued to snarl and I could hear it jumping at the tree as I struggled to get higher.
There weren't enough branches, and the bark on the tree was getting impossible to grip with my hands and my feet.
Come on, you can't die this way. I pleaded with myself.
I heard another growl, even louder before although it sounded different. There must have been two of them now.
Oh god, seriously! I must be dreaming. I thought to myself, well more like hoped and prayed as I panted.
I tried to climb up further although I lost my footing and fell to the ground, onto my back and another scream escaped my lips. The pain erupted all over my body and I could feel rocks sticking into my back.
The pain was everywhere and my calves were practically burning- it hurt to breath. In that moment I was sure I was going to die.
I heard more hissing and growling growing, it was louder although it wasn't aimed at me. They were fighting over my corpse, and I was guessing the winner was going to finish off the job... and kill me.
No, I'm not going to die, get up! I ordered myself.
Somehow I managed to sit up, even though every part of my body was screaming at me, demanding me to stay still. I could barely make out what was happening; there was the wolf that was chasing me and a figure that looked to be human but didn't sound it.
The fall must have really messed with my head. I assumed to myself as I tried to stand to my feet and fell back down.
How high had I gotten anyway? I wondered. It fell like I had fallen from a four story window. Or at least what I assumed it would feel like. I didn't have personnel experience. Thank god- it sounded very painful.
"Come on, get up now," I heard a voice to my right. My head snapped to look up at the stranger. I could barely make out his facial features, but I knew I didn't know him or his voice.
"What? Who are you?" I asked as I looked back at the wolf and person. They were still hissing and growling and attacking each other. The wolf was swiping at the person, and he or she was dodging the animal's attacks.
This is crazy. This is not happening. I told myself.
"I'm here to help you, now come on," he growled at me as another wolf and person passed by us and joined in on the fight.
What the fuck? Have I been drugged? I must be dreaming. I thought silently as the stranger helped me to my feet, although every part of my body was still screaming in pain and refused to move.
He picked me up and held me in his arms, as if I weighed as little as a feather. I wanted to protest, I didn't need to be carried but my body wouldn't let me.
"Can you tell me what is going on?" I pleaded.
He didn't answer me but continued to walk through the woods until he reached The Hale property.
"Wait, you live here?" I asked, even more confused than before.
"I'm Derek's Uncle, Peter," he replied as he opened the front door, walked into the downstairs lounge room and gently placed me on the couch.
"Where is he? What the hell just happened?" I asked as I tried to ignore the pain. It still felt like I had rocks dug into my back, which I knew wasn't possible. It's not like I was running topless.
"Derek will tell you, when he gets back. Can I get you anything?"
"No, I'm fine," I still felt like I was in a very surreal dream.
"Are you sure? We have aspirin?" he offered.
"Water would be good," I smiled gratefully. Aspirin wasn't strong enough to help me make sense of this craziness.
I didn't want him to think I was being rude or that I was ungrateful for the rescue but I was still confused and had no idea of what just happened.
"Kristin?" I heard Derek's voice, and saw him as he walked through the front door, and I instantly jumped to my feet and hugged him, ignoring my body as it screamed and protested in pain, again.
As I pulled away I noticed a cut on his cheek, "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?"
Derek walked me back to the couch and sat beside me, and I watched as the cut healed completely, all within sixty seconds.
Dreaming, I'm dreaming. I hoped to myself.
A few more people walked through the door although they left me and Derek alone, which I appreciated.
"Here's your water, and I grabbed the aspirin just in case," Peter smiled and placed them on the coffee table before he left the room.
"I don't even know how to say this," Derek sounded exhausted as his mother entered the room with a bowl of water and a couple of bandages. I had forgotten about the open cuts. It was hard to focus where one point of pain was emanating from, it all felt connected.
"I'm Talia, Derek's mother," she smiled as she grabbed the bottom of my pants and rolled them up.
"Hi, I'm Kristin," I returned the smile before my attention focussed on Derek again. I had to know what was going on. I felt like I was literally going insane and losing my mind. The pain I could handle, what I really needed were answers.
"Just say it, how did your face heal? And what the hell just happened?" I tried to sound fine and held together although my voice was full of confusion, pain and a hint of fear O couldn't keep hidden.

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