Chapter 39

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Claire felt the sunlight trying to get through her eyelids and murmured softly to herself before she began to move around. Without opening her eyes, she stretched her arms over her head and arched her back on the bed before settling back down into her covers.

Only after a few more seconds did she force herself to open her eyes. The first thing she saw was another pair of eyes gazing at her—dark blue eyes. Immediately, her grogginess left her and her eyes popped wide open to stare back at Heath Bishop.

It took her a few moments to remember what happened before she fell asleep last night. Slowly, she lifted the cover on top of her body and looked down to see that she was completely naked. So was Heath.

She looked back up into his eyes.

“Good…” Claire cleared her throat, as it was rough. Must’ve been from all the noise-making last night. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” Heath greeted back. “Did you know you have seventeen freckles on the right side of your face?”

Claire blinked. “No. Now I do.” He smiled, causing his eyes to thin into sleepy slits. The sight made Claire’s throat dry. She quickly dismissed it though and asked, “Why only the right side?”

“I was thinking of saving your left side for next time.”

The realization slowly sank into Claire, and she couldn’t help but grin. “Confident, aren’t you?”

“Even if you didn’t think so, I’d do my best to seduce you otherwise.”

“Mm.” She murmured. “I think you already did a good job of that.”

Heath chuckled, and to hear that first thing in the morning made Claire suddenly aroused again. She licked the corner of her lips and leaned up on her elbow to look down at Heath. Slowly, she tugged the bed sheet to reveal more of his torso.

It was toned and muscular, just as she remembered. Slowly, she ran a finger down the same crevice she touched last night.

“Too bad we only did it once.” Claire had fallen asleep right after the climax. With all the drama that was happening around the hotel, she had lost a lot of sleep. Last night, she had finally caught up after the satisfaction.

Heath suddenly snapped out of his morning daze and leaned up on his elbow as well, ceasing their contact.

“Claire.” He used a serious tone, making Claire give him a curious look. “Last night….Last night I didn’t use a condom. And…” Remembering it made him feel embarrassed and he looked away as a blush colored his cheeks.

Claire raised a brow, taking pleasure in the sight of a blushing Heath Bishop. He had called her cute, but Heath was pretty cute himself. “And what?”

His jaw clenched. “You know what. I was…I…inside you, I…” She bit her bottom lip, trying not to burst out laughing from how shy he was behaving. When he realized her expression, he lightly glared. “This is a serious issue, Claire.”

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