Chapter Eight

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Please read the AN at the bottom!  Here is chapter eight! Follow me on twitter: @SLuvs1D and on Instagram: @sarah_madison_16


Harry succeeded in getting Talia off his back, only once the group had calmed down though.  The four boys watched curiously as Niall moved to stand next to Talia and they shared a silent look.   Niall ran his hand through his hair, something that he only did before a concert or when he was hiding something.  Liam picked up on it before anyone else.

                “What’s going on Niall?  What are you hiding?”  Liam questioned watching as the emotions flew across his best mates face too fast for the human eye to catch and only proving his suspicion; Niall was hiding something from them.

                “Nothing, why would you think I was hiding something from you lads?”  Niall shot back just a little too quick.  By now the other boys were catching on to him; four doubting looks were shot at him. “Can we just talk about this tomorrow?”

“I guess, Talia could we watch a film?” Purposely changing the subject away from whatever it was Niall was hiding, Liam tried to find something to do.

“Course we can, come on lets go.”  Talia glanced to her side and shared an unnoticed look with her brother.   The six teens moved out of the hallway, the boys pushing each other while Talia followed behind them.  A movie was decided and everyone settled into their seats.  Talia was sitting in between Niall and Harry  in the front row and Liam, Louis and Zayn were sitting behind them intently watching Toy Story 3.  Talia must have drifted off sometime during the movie, she woke up to the feeling of two arms picking her up into the air.  On instinct her hands flew up and grabbed the hair that was dangling down as the boy looked at her.

“Relax Talia, it is just me.  I’m taking you to bed now alright?”  She nodded at the lad that was carrying her still not sure of who it was. She snuggled back into the crook of his neck, wavy hair tickling her nose slightly.  She sighed and drifted back into the land of dreams.

*Liam’s POV*

“I’m just going to take her to her room, I’ll be right back.”  My sentence was directed to Niall who was watching my every move as I picked up the only girl in the room.  Something was bothering him but for an unknown reason he was keeping it from everyone but Talia. What had happened when they were hiding together?  What was it that was bugging him so much?

I picked Talia up in bridal position and carried her out of the room and across the hall.  I felt her stir, her hands reaching up and grabbing my hair as I looked down at her. “Relax Talia, it’s just me.  I’m taking you to bed now alright?”  I felt her head give a small nod as she moved her head to the crook of my neck, her slow breathing tickling my neck.  I continued walking careful not to bump her around as I progressed through her doorway.

Her room wasn’t at all how I was expecting it to be.  It had a very calming effect when I walked in.  The walls were a serene blue, like the sky at dawn, the flooring was a dark grey like a storm cloud.  Her bed had a large canopy surrounding it, probably to block out all the light from the large windows behind it.  I was extremely careful not to knock her head on the side of the bed as I gently placed her under her blanket.  She looked so peaceful in her sleep, her hair spread out on her pillow in lose curls, her face was still a small smile playing on her lips. I leant down and gently placed a kiss on her forehead before retreating out of the room and back into the cinema room where the boys were waiting.

“Took you long enough mate!“ Of course Louis would put that out there.  I flipped my hair before answering.

“Yeah well you would too if you were trying not to drop her or bang her head on something!”  I turned towards Niall wanting to know what had gotten into him. “Nialler what’s going on mate?  Did something happen between you and Talia?”  He looked at me with a blank expression, a mask painted on his face as he thought about whatever was on his mind.

The sigh that fell out of his mouth was a for sure sign that he would be telling us something tonight. “You guys have to promise that you will not interrupt first.”  He shot Louis an especially long look telling him to keep his mouth shut for the next little while.  Once we had nodded our heads in agreement he continued on, his Irish accent thickening with emotion that he had been hiding for such a long time. “You lads know how my mom left when I was really little right?   Yeah, well it turns out she didn’t leave empty-handed.  This whole time I have been looking for her, trying to find her and she kept the biggest secret of my life away from me!  I have a twin for goodness sakes and I just met her!”  The gasps that could be heard around the room echoed the others shock at this little piece of information.

“So Talia is….”  My sentence trailed off at the end wanting Niall to finish my train of thought.

“Yeah she is, she just told me tonight well we were hiding from Zayn.  This means that I might finally get to meet the woman that I have been looking for for most of my life and I am not so sure that I am ready to see her after she  separated me from the person who could have been my best mate!”  His voice was filled with a deep anger, but I could tell that it was only covering the sorrow he felt at having missed out on a lot of things.  I walked over and pulled him into the hug that I knew he needed and pretty quick the rest of the band was crowding in around us; all to shocked to say anything.  I’m not sure how long we stood there for, we probably would have stayed there much longer if it weren’t for the yawns that were catching on for all of us.  After a particularly loud yawn from Niall we decided it would be best to call it a night and talk more in the morning.  I started walking out of the room with the rest of the lads and I was halfway down the hall before I noticed that Harry wasn’t with us anymore.  I simply ignored it thinking that he had just gotten ahead of us and slipped into his room without us noticing.

There is the chapter!  Question time now :) would you guys rather shorter chapters (like this one) and fast updates or longer chapters and longer update times? What do you think of this so far? Is it moving to fast, to slow?Where do you think Harry went? What do you think of Liam's actions towards Talia?Answer these below, I won't bite :D andn remember Vote, Comment, Fan!!Shall we say 2 votes and 2 comments before next upload?

And a big thanks to everyone who has been voting, commenting, reading and fanning! It means the world to me, you have no idea how long I smile for when I get the notification on my phone saying that someone has done any of those things!  I know most of you aren't reading this so I will stop it here!! 

P.S: First person to comment I will dedicate the next chapter too :)

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