Dalton's P.O.V.

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I couldn't believe that i was going on a date with Alexis. I mean shes so out of my league. She looked so pretty in her skinny jeans and a blue Love Pink T-Shirt with a pink Love Pink jacket over top of it. Why did she have to be so pretty? I didn't want to show that I was excited about the date. Brady was probably Just doing this for my own good. He knew that I was down about not having a girlfriend. He always cared about that stuff. I've never told him theat I liked her though.

    I didn't even know if we had commen interest.  I've never talked to her for more then 10 minutes. The closest that we've gotten to a conversation is 'Hi, How are you.' then that was it. What if she thinks im a dork?

All i could say was "Ok."

"Cool. I'm gonna go and I'll see u when u get home Alexis." Brady said.

"See ya." I replied. "So What movie do u wanna see?" I asked Alexis forcing myself not to blush."

"Well i would like to see Ted, but im good with whatever." she repied.

"Sounds good."

I went to go buy the ticket, popcorn and drinks. Then i met Alexis.

We walk to the man who took the tickets then we walked down a norrow hallway. It was kind awkward between me and her. We never reelly talk before. The olny thing that we've said to each other was Hi, How are you? but thats it. There was no real connection.

I looked down at Alexis who was texting. She was very short campared to me. She was texting her mom saying that she would be home by 10:00 at the latest.

"So" I said breaking the silences.

"So," she said back "are you excited to see the movie?"

Her pale blue eyes looking up into mine. I could feel the redness creeping onto my face.

I quickly looked away.

"Yeah I guess. I'm always up for a comady."

"So am I" she replied looking down at her phone.

We walked into theater 4 and sat down close to the back. I was secertly glad that we were in the dark because then if I made a fool out of myself mabye she won't see it.

The theater got dark and then the movie started.

It was kinda akward. We didn't look at each other at all the whole time and we didn't say anything.

The love that was unexpected (read if u love Dalton Wixom)Where stories live. Discover now