Hi, I'm Skylah Riddle. [Behind Enemy Lines]

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After Flint stomps off, everything quiets back down.

"That was bloody brilliant, Skylah." Brianna is still giggling. I chuckle alongside her and continue to eat, pushing the steak as far away from me as possible without being impolite; I've been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember.

"So what school are you coming from?" Pansy asks.

"Beauxbatons." I'm going to miss it.

"Why are you transferring?"

"I'm not entirely sure. My parents just told me a few days ago." She looks unsatisfied with that answer.

I look over to see Blaise and Bri gazing at each other and scoff. Relationships bring weaknesses; or maybe I'm just bitter because I'm not in one.

Just as their faces start to inch closer there is an explosion. The next thing I know people are pulling out their wands and yelling at each other. A house elf, dusty and limping from getting the brunt of the explosion, staggers in and yells, "It's the ministry!" I curse, wishing I could get involved, but Uncle is refusing to release my identity until I'm through school.

Mr. Zabini rises to his feet quickly and yells, "EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND FOLLOW MY SON TO A PORT KEY!" He rushes to barricade the dining hall doors shut. I lose my parents in all the chaos and follow the group outside and into the woods. We run up to a shovel sticking out of the ground next to a giant hole; it looks like someone was digging a grave.

Above our heads are cloaked figures on brooms; some chasing us and some fighting a few death eaters. I could have recognized a few but was soon interrupted by Blaise.

"Everyone grab hold of the person next to you. Hurry!" He yells. I latch onto someone and feel someone else doing the same to me. And then we're in the middle of nowhere.

I stand up off the ground. "Is everyone okay? Is everyone here?" One by one, people are standing and looking for their friends and family. My mother rushes over to tell me my father was left at the Zabini manor to fight off the ministry.

"Mother we have to go back!" I plead. Ever since my brother died, I've been afraid for my father.

"No, Skylah. Your father knows what he's doing." She reasons.

"Just like Gary knew what he was doing!?" At the mention of my dead brother she cringes. "I'm going back."

"Oh no you're not! I will not lose both of my children to those filthy muggle-lovers!" I watch as tears pool at the corner of my mother's eyes while a crowd starts to form around us. "You will do as I say."

"I will not. I lost him too mum... and I can't lose dad as well." I know I'm going to get it for this later, but I leave her standing there and the crowd parts for me to pass. I get to the shovel and rip the bottom half of my dress off so I can move a little easier. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Honey, please." My mother begs.

"I love you, Mum." I shrug her hand off and grab the port key.


When my feet touch the ground I start to sprint. I run towards the sounds of a battle. I pull my wand out of my hair, sending it cascading down my back and look for my father. I hear him yelling a curse and head in that direction. I'm so blind with fear for my father that I run straight into someone. I look up into red eyes; Uncle Tom.

"We have to get my father." He looks at me and says nothing, offering me a hand.

When I'm up on my feet I go to move past him and he grabs my arm.

Hi, I'm Skylah Riddle. [Harry Potter FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now