DKPI: Ghost of the Witch

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(Okay so this is a story part for a contest called well WRITING CONTEST lol By @QuietMusic The details of the contest is simple... QM gives me a picture and a Story title and the rest is up to me... This was what I was given:


 Title: Ghost of the Witch


So here you are ladies and gentlemen... Here is

'Dalarah Kern's Paranormal Investigations: Ghost of the Witch...'


DKPI: Ghost of the Witch

Westville, Virginia 1992 - The Old McAiden House

Cat's wide dark brown eyes darted back and forth upon hearing the old house creak and moan as she sat at the dining room table with her family,her fork shaking slightly in her hand as it hovered over her plate, the items upon it half eaten as her mouth hung open a bit.

"Jeez Cathryn close your mouth before flies go in" Cat's older brother Max  mocked as he chuckled a bit at her. Their mother Libby sighed giving Max a slight  look that made him shut up and go back to eating his food as she looked back to Cat,

"Sweet heart it's alright, I told you, it's only the house settling, that's all.. There's  no need to be scared," Said their mother as she gave her daughter a reassuring  smile before taking another bite of her food. Libby had always been a big time  optimist and she didn't believe in superstitious things, so to Cat, she rarely ever seemed to get scared. To Julie it didn't make sense to be scared unless you had a justified reason, so the  house being creepy and said to be haunted wasn't enough of a just cause to be frightened.

Cat just nodded slowly looking at her mother and then to Max who she caught looking around the place a little nervously himself, Cat knew she wasn't the only one who thought this new house was creepy and she didn't understand how, out of all the houses in Virginia, their mother had to pick one of the most creepy old 19th century houses that was way too big for the three of them to make a 'new start' in, but Libby said she had been 'drawn' to the house, like it was calling to her which made Cat find it all the more creepy.

Max scarfed down the rest of his food, but instead of taking his plate and taking off from the table as he used to at the old house, he just sat there looking at Cat's plate and then his Libby's, a slight look of hesitation crossed his face as it was clean he was wishing he hadn't ate so quickly like his mother had asked countless of times not to do..Cat watched Max as he slowly picked up his empty plate and got up from the table hesitantly,

"Well I um... guess I'll head to my room now," he said pausing which was strange to see, since in the old house Max could never wait to be rid of his family, and would take off before his mother could stop him. It had gotten that way since their father Patrick, had died nearly four years ago. Before that happened Cat remembered a nice, sweet brother who was very different than the one she now had. So the way he was acting now was very strange...

Libby had noticed Max's behavior as well but clearly didn't know how to respond to it."Okay honey,  just ...clean your dish before you go okay?" She said with a light smile before going back to her food, Cat watched her brother's face as he gave their mom an annoyed look before mumbling something under his breath before speeding off into the kitchen. Cat slightly frowned as she looked at her mother, was she just not noticing that Max was trying to get out of leaving them right away? Why wouldn't she take a chance with that kind of opportunity? It didn't make sense, but Cat had been noticing that Libby hadn't been acting too much like herself either since leaving the old house. What was she suppose to do?  Were they both just as freaked out about the house as she was and just acting like they weren't or was this because hey left their old house? She wasn't sure... Yes she was attached to the old run down yellow house with brown shutters, but maybe just not as much as Libby and Max, was that really what was going on? Well that would be just perfect., Just another disadvantage of being the youngest, or at least that's the way she was seeing it.  After dinner, it was Cat's turn to reluctantly go up to her own room as she prayed the entire way that no ghosts would come out and kill her, though she wasn't so sure that ghosts could really kill, but she wasn't looking to find out... Could a ghost scare you to death? Could she get so scared her heart would stop beating? In any case she kept one eye closed shut as she walled down the creaky, shadowy halls, as if by having only one eye open would keep her from seeing with the other eye if something did pop up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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