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Kate is kind, caring, but still has an atittude for those tricky situations. Her mom was not a great mom. Horrible, actually. She smoked cigarettes and possibly joints. She had a drinking problem. And she was known for having men over all the time.

When Kate's mom died from kidney failure-resulted from her bad habits- she had to take over and raise her six year old sister Anna. (See Anna)

With little money to  spare, Kate dropped out of community college and searched for a job. An ad in the paper seemed to hold promises so she called up only to have a hangover guy set up a highly unprofessional interview.

Come to find out, she would be a housekeeper to famous rockstar, Kameron Kaggs(See Kam).

Kam was on drugs and had tried to commit suicide several times. Kate, being a caring person who thinks of others before herself, decides she is going to help him. Ultimately saving his life.

___Pic will be up tomorrow night!!!!_____

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