Dark Lights

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Here is our first chapter! We hope you like it! Message us! Vote and Promote! Have a spaztastic day!

<3 Hayley and Kelly


                                                     Part 1: The gruesome beginning

Chapter One:

   Eliza awoke with a smile plastered across her soft, thin, fair skinned face. Her head rested softly against her feather filled pillow; slowly she turned her head towards her husband, the king, who was still in a deep slumber.  She quietly moved her heavy body off of the bed and rested her feet on the floorboards.  She crept faintly across the room to the wide double doors which led to the balcony. Opening one door and closing it tightly behind her, she made her way to the balcony’s edge. Her bare feet pressed against the cold marble floor, sending a cool sensation through her body.

  She rested her hand upon her swollen stomach, the place in which her child rested. Slowly lifting her eyes up, she peered over the horizon. In which a rising sun was entering her view. Its rays painted the clouds with a pink haze, turning the sky into a warm bright blanket. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, inhaling the world around her. A world in which she was at much peace with. She had been waiting nine long months and couldn’t wait to meet her child; the future prince or princess of her kingdom.

 A sudden jolt from her core awoke her from her daydream. She laughed and looked down at her stomach and said    “Oh your hungry are you? Well I guess I could call the chef.”  A frown inched across her face, she hadn’t realized how hungry she was and it was beginning to make her feel uncomfortable. She turned from her haven on the balcony and walked into her room.

  She saw that her husband was still sleeping and could be for a while longer so she exited the room and made her way down the hall.

  Entering the kitchen Eliza peered around the corner where her eyes met with the chef. She told him what she was craving and asked that he would fulfill the order within an hour. She smiled gratefully and made her way out of the kitchen.

   Deciding to take the long way to her dressing chambers she took a left and her face met a frail wooden door. She unlocked the laches that concealed the door opening it revealing a long corridor, in which she began to walk through. Halfway to her room a chill went down her spine, she felt as though someone was behind her. Peering her head over her shoulder she saw nothing was there. Turning ahead she began to pick up her pace. But a low raspy chuckle emerged from the darkness behind her, causing her mind to go blank and her heart to increase and her feet to break into a fast run.

  The chuckle grew louder, until she could literally feel hot breath on the back of her neck. She rushed down the corridor, her nightgown clinging to her sweating body.

  The lack of food in her was starting to make it very difficult for her to run down the corridor and away from the intruder, who was so sneaky that he managed to bypass the royal guards and the queen’s sharp eye. All she could manifest in her mind was the wonderstruck awe of how she had not seen the intruder and the frightening atmosphere of a very close death or injury.

  The panting started to kick in about 20 yards later and her stomach and legs began to ache. She could see a glint of light on the dimly lit walls of the corridor. Then she heard the breathy voice say to her, “Oh, dear, you might as well stop running away from me now. I do hate the game of cat and mouse, but you know the cat always wins, especially when the mouse is pregnant.”

  The queen’s eyes grew very large and she sped up again, the adrenaline kept her going. A tapping noise began, slowly at first then growing quicker. “This knife, your highness, is very sharp. In fact, it’s so sharp and new that I can simply tap my fingernails on it and you can hear it from up there.”

  And with a sharp, swift kick to the queen’s knee, he tripped her, and she tumbled to the ground. An ear shattering crack rang through the air when the queen landed on her left arm and it twisted to an obscured angle.

  For the first time she saw the man, although the corridor was dark. He was quite tall and lanky, pale and gaunt. His teeth, which were shown from gum to gum, were yellow, probably rotting. His eyes were sunken into their sockets and dark, oily circles surrounded them. A knife, so sharp, it glistened with the slightest turns, was gripped in the man’s skinny right hand, where the fingernails grew very long and were pointed at the ends.

  He tapped the knife once more with a fingernail and then stared at the queen on the ground, who was struggling to get up.

  “W- Who are you?” the queen asked, coughing and panting very loudly.

  “It doesn’t really matter who I am, now does it? But, what does matter is that you need to lie very still while I do this procedure and don’t make a noise. It won’t hurt too badly. Not enough to die, unless you are intolerant of pain. In which case this will hurt a lot.”

   He kneeled down his knife glistening in the little light that was in the corridor. The queen looked up at him her eyes burning holes into his. With every little last ounce of strength she had she kicked him square in the crotch, instantly bringing the man down in agony. The queen scrambled to her feet in the little seconds she had. Hope gleamed in her heart but it was put to a stop immediately.  The man yanked on the queen’s hair pulling her down to the ground. Causing her to hit her head hard on the cold stone, but just soft enough to keep her alive.

  The man spat on the queens face, but she couldn’t feel it, she was out cold. He picked up his knife and cut away at the material which covered her stomach.  Slowly he slit through her skin, revealing a thin line a velvet blood. Cutting slightly deeper, he reached his hands in a pulled the child away from its mother. The baby’s cry pierced through the air and the man cut the umbilical cord. He set the child beside him as he looked at the dying queen. He dug into his pocket and removed some thread and a needle. He patched up the queen and swiped the blood away with a cloth. He was given strict instructions not to kill her.

  He picked up the child and cleaned it revealing a dashing baby girl. Here bright blue eyes gazed into his. Her stare much like her mothers. Thick brown wavy hair was dotted on her head. He smiled down at her and kissed her forhead. He then whispered, “You will be a great princess. Gorgeous, strong, and kind. All will love you. But you will not be theirs you will be ours, where you belong.” And with that he wrapped her up in a blanket he also had hidden in his jacket.

  He accelerated down the hall, making sure not to leave a trace he was there. He exited the corridors and made his way out of the castle and soon out of the kingdom. Disappearing into the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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