Chapter 1

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I remember waking up every single day excited to see him and his handsome, tan face and with those sexy brown eyes. I remember how he would say good morning to me and open my door for me if we got to school at the same time. The only problem with all of this is that he's my roommate’s boyfriend.

I'd just moved to Oregon from Texas and I was completely out of my element. Everything was wet, green and cold. Texas was dry and hot. I didn't know anyone and that was the basis of its appeal. I didn't want any of my old issues following me here. I had a crazy mother who was drunk all the time and a brother who had no ambition in life but to play video games and drag me down with him. My father has been gone so long I can't remember his face and my only friend went to Michigan for school.

I was alone for the first time and I was scared but excited.

I walked to my dorm room with a box so big I could barely see over it. I pressed the key to the lock and rested the box against the door so I could open it but just as I turned the knob, the door was pulled open suddenly and I fell face first into the box, onto the floor.

"Oh crap. I totally didn't see you there," The sexiest voice I'd ever heard said. I felt my face instantly heat up and I wished I could rewind time.

"Are you ok?" He asked when I didn't get up right away. I felt his hands on my arm and I finally moved to look at him.

Gasping, I moved back slightly and pushed his arm off me. He was the sexiest damn guy I'd ever seen and I'd just made the biggest ass of myself.

"Brandon, leave her alone. Can't you see she's embarrassed?" A feminine voice spoke and I looked over his shoulder towards it.

"Sorry," I said quietly and moved to grab my box only to have those strong hands grab it before me.

"No one was hurt and it's my fault. I heard you and thought I could open the door before you got to it. I was trying to help but made it worse. I'm Brandon by the way and your roommate is Erica."

"Hi. I'm sorry about Brandon. He means well but he always does something stupid." She smiled a cheesy smile at him and then looked back at me. Hurt crossed Brandon's face for just a second but it was long enough that I saw it. Not wanting to cause any issues, I just reached for my box out of Brandon's hands.

"I'm Davis and thank you, I got this." I gave him a genuine smile and he returned it.

"Do you have more stuff? I don't mind helping. We just brought up the last of Erica's things and I've got some time if you want the help." Why was he being so nice to me? He didn't know me. I looked to Erica, silently asking for permission and she just waved us off.

"I don't care. I'm going to take a shower anyways. Babe, did you want to go to that party tonight? Oh and Davis, did you want to come with us to the party? I know some sexy hot guys I can introduce you too." I looked back at Brandon and he was just smiling at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Sure, if you don't mind. I'd like to meet some new people." Maybe being in a new place was exactly what I needed. People were so nice here. "You're sure you don't mind if I borrow Brandon for a few to help me bring up my stuff?" I asked Erica one more time.

"No, of course not. Use him any way you need him. He doesn't ever do anything for me, so if you can get him to help you that's great." She rolled her eyes and I opened mine wider in shock. She was so rude to him and in front of a stranger no less.

Erica moved to her dresser and grabbed her things, not paying any attention to us. I gave Brandon a sympathetic look and he replaced his hurt look with a smile. "Come on kid, let's go."

Brandon grabbed the box from my hand and set it on the floor and pulled me from the room. He released my arm a few steps down the hall but suddenly stopped and spun around, causing me to crash into his hard chest.

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