Chapter 2- Ashes on the ground

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He stumbles foward and falls forward, pushing the knife further into his skull. "That must hurt" I say to myself looking at his pale, bleeding body. I count to 30 then grab his wrist, checking his pulse.

"Im so sorry." I whisper as i close his eyes. I know it sounds weird but i always sorta felt bad for my victoms, even thought they're terrible people.

I should introduce myself, I'm Kat but people call me Ash. My best friend Cole gave it to me he found me in the ashes of my burned house. My parents started it when they were smoking who knows what, then passed out from shock. Not much of a loss really.

But you must wonder why I killed some random guy in an alley well, if havent guessed already, that's my job. When Cole found me, he brought me to agencys infermory. They wanted to kill me because i "knew to much", but after i climbed into the airvents and hide for half an hour, they decided to keep me. 

Once my burns healed, they sent me to basic training. Thats where i met Cole for the first time. Back then he was kinda chubby, but the weight was quickly lost after countless hours of running, jumping and of cousre, weapons training. And 7 years later  im now the worlds best, 15 year-old assassian.

But where was I? Oh yeah, just killed a guy right. After pulling the knife from his head, I gaged at the overwhelming smell of blood. Pulled out the body bag that I hade hidden earlier and wrapped his lifeless body in it. I place a tracker on the bag so my people can pick him up later.


yayy I updated, keep your pants on. well yeah comment and stuff cause why not. k bye.

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