XLIII: Sasuke's Last Days (Part 4)

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QOTC: Kiba: Naruto, I've got an idea!

Naruto: [sleeping] Oh Hinata-chan, do whatever you want with me just don't wake me up.


Chapter 43: Sasuke's Last Days (Part 4)

"Is it me or do I smell a smoke bomb?"


"I'm starving..."

"Get your feet off my face, you moron!"


"I'm not on your toes!"

"My friends, where are your youthful manners?"

"Kami now have I realized that we're all insufferable together."

"Hey Naruto, is this a pillow or it's bigger than your equipment?"

Sasuke shook his head in clemency and trivial tantrum. Earlier it was Sakura whom he vowed to be with in a blue moon, and now Naruto laid next to him, clinging into his arm. One thing the Raven testified onto himself was he would never sleep next to a guy, because the way the Dobe would embrace him made him feel like he was somehow in an extramarital affair. He snored like there were three generators next to him, and he would have strangled him alive if it weren't for the boys who keep on battling over something less important like a bunch of bisexual chickens.

~ Flashback ~

Tiny rays if light gleamed through the Raven and the Pinkette. First they thought it was only dusk of dawn, but the white aurora had been too bright that it disturbed their precious slumber.

"AHA!" It was none other than Gai, who held a flashlight closely to the two. "My man Kakashi you have got to see this!" Sasuke and Sakura immediately disentangled from one another, as if it was against policy. "Did we violate a law or what?" Asked the green-eyes, wrapping herself with the Uchiha's long-sleeved clothing. When Sakura looked up, the stars were glimmering upon the cimmerian horizon.

"It's the middle of the night," said Kakashi, raising a visible eye. She realized he hasn't changed changed into his night attire yet, unlike Gai who slipped into his cotton bathrobe. "You two are supposed to be in the inn instead of making matresses out of sand."

"And you call yourselves detectives or something?"

"That'll be the last of them," Yamato flicked off his flashlight as he joined them. "Hate to break it up to you kids, but we're gonna have to seperate you by gender."

"WHAT?!" Sakura exclaimed. "What's the whole point of this vacation trip then? Play tag?" But the jonins weren't listening to her anymore, rather they were either scratching the back of their hair or rubbing their foreheads. "Sakura, let me ask you a question. How old are you?" Asked Kakashi, looking pleased with himself. Sakura scowled. "Sixteen." "Alright then, since both of us know you're in a hazard situation, we don't want to risk any incident regarding to what happened with—"


"—the other guy." Kakashi cleared his throat apologetically. Yamato on the other hand stuffed his hands inside his pockets as he stared down at his feet. "What Kakashi here is trying to tell you is that we are trying our best to help you children. Since we're in charge, and on behalf of Tsunade-sama we all know the consequences if something goes—inappropriate. Now that in extreme cases, we wouldn't want any of you to ever again experience the pain Temari felt. Or Shikamaru."

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