Chp. 6: Not So Fearless

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Hi guys. Vas happenin? 

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April's POV

I open my eyes open as the sunlight flashes me. Why is it so noisy? It's like I'm in a public toilet. I turn my head and find out Justin and Kenny packing. I get up in a sitting position.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked in my morning voice.

"Oh we're packing. I gotta go back to the hotel and take a shower and do stuffs. You okay here?" He says.

"You're leaving?" I asked with my my saddest face while doing my famous puppy dog face, pouting my lips.

"Aww, baby I'll be back, I promise. I made a promise to your mom." He pats my head and smiles.

"Okay. But can you do me a favor?"

"'Course babe. Anything for my AJ." He smirks and flashes me the world's most adorable smile.

"Okay since when did you call me AJ?" I ask.

"Since I heard your beautiful name." He smirks again.

"Okay, that's so cheesy but why'd you call me that? Why not April?"

"Because, missy, I can. And it'd be weird calling you by the 4th month."

"Wow, that was a lame joke."

"I'm not trying to be funny AJ."

"Okay whatever, JD, but can you lend me a device that can access to the internet? You know I haven't been online for days and I desperately need to go back to Tumblr." I blurt out.

"Oh, I've heard of that site. They say it's really cool."

"Really?! Do you have one?" I say in excitement.

"Haha, no." He says.


"Just kidding. Yes, I have. But it's a secret account. I will give it to you but promise me you'll never give it out. Never EVER." His face suddenly becomes serious.

"I promise." I say while raising my right arm.

"Say 'I superfragilisticexpialidociously promise.' " He says really fast.

"Hahahaha." I burst out laughing.

"Promise! Or I'll Chuck Norris you." He shouts then crosses his arms like a little kid. He's so adorable.

"Okay, okay. I superfragilisticexpialidociously promise." I say while chuckling.


"Hahaha wow." I laugh at his URL.

"It's true."

"Okay okay. Thanks."

"Here's my iPad. Use it." He says while handing me the iPad.

"Thanks Biebs."

"Justin let's go." Kenny calls Justin as he nods.

"I'll see you later then?" He turns to me.

"Sure. Swaggie."

"Haha. Yeah, swaggie. Bye lovely." He says as he plants a kiss on my forehead. He gets his things then goes out of the door.

I get on Tumblr like a boss. Or better, like a sir. I make a new post right away,

partyinbieberspants: Hey guys. Here in the hospital with Justin. Recovering. Thanks for those who prayed. xx

Literally 20 seconds later, I get a heck of followers. My messages flooded so fast. 718974832 people are in my blog. Okay? Easy animals. What am I gonna do? I created another post.

partyinbieberspants: Guys calm da horse down. lol Gonna be on Twitter. xx  

I log out of Tumblr and log in to Twitter. Holy carrots 917491283097418 followers. Where did all these followers came from? I checked Justin's Twitter. Oh that's why. 

@BieberHornies: Hi guys. Still here in the hospital, recovering. Thanks to those who prayed. Love you. xx

And of course, people flooded my mentions so I decided to get outta Twitter.

I wonder if there is any video on YouTube about the incident. There must be, especially it was Justin's concert and many beliebers where there. I get on YouTube. Kidrauhl was signed in. Oh Mr. Bieber forgot to log out. How bout I play here for a little while. I click messages. One guy with a user name "ripbieberr" messaged him:

ripbieberr: I'll get you. I promise I will kill you.

Okay that was creepy and scary at the same time. I was so scared I left Youtube already and turned off the iPad. Everything seemed so scary after reading that. 

I hugged my knees as my fear begins to rise up. 

It seems that someone is... watching me. I can feel a pair of eyes locked on me. I turn my head around and looked around the room. No one is here except me. The door is guarded by the police. 

I shake off the thought and lay on the bed hoping to forget it in my sleep. I close my eyes for a few seconds.

I pop my eyes wide open, hearing a knock on the window. My heart races so fast.

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