The Dead Kid Stole My Heart

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We pulled up at the ancient, ugly, worn down, four-story house. It looked like a creepy castle. It has way too many windows, and it looks like nobody has lived here in over a hundred years. It looks just like the type of house a ghost would want to haunt. "Why do we have to move here?" I groaned from the back seat. I already know what my mom is going to say. Lenny's job this, more money that, because she said so, same bullshit as always.

"Why do you keep asking us that question?" My mom asked turning around to face me. Ugh, I hate that I look like her so much. Same brown hair, tiny nose, and green eyes. Why can't I look like my dad? Why can't I have his black hair and blue eyes? Whycan't I have his awkward nose? Its like god left me with nothing of his. Now that I live in this shitty town, I cant even visit his grave like I've done every Wednesday for the past four years.

"What about dad?!" I yelled. "What am I supposed to do now?!"

"Parker, its time to let go." She said. "You're father isn't coming back, the sooner you realize that the sooner you can move on with your life." She shrugged. "I have." I have tears running down my face but it's not because I'm sad, I'm pissed the fuck off!

"I know he's not coming back you dumb bitch!" I screamed. "And you moved on long before dad died," I flung the car door open and jumped out. "Fucking slut." I said before I slammed the door. I walked towards the house.

It took her less than six months to get over dad. Can you believe that? He wasn't dead six months before she had Lenny wrapped around her arm. It didn't surprise me, I caught her cheating on dad many times when I was younger, I just didn't understand what was going on. Plus the sneaky bitch would bribe me with candy and other shit kids like.

"Parker, don't talk to your mother like that!" Lenny said sternly, as he got out of the car. I turned and gave him the middle finger. My mom was getting her other kid out of the car. She and Lenny were so in love, she decided to get pregnant a month after she told me they were together. I don't claim the little fucker as my brother. He acts just like my mom. She's teaching him her bad habits.

"Screw you," I said. "The last time I checked, my father was dead." I pushed the door open and ran upstairs hoping those movers had already put my shit in my room. I chose the attic. I want to be as far away from my tramp of a mother and her dick of a husband. I ran up the three flights of stairs until I reached the attic steps. I opened the door and ran up the ten steps and opened the door to my room.  

All of my belongings are stacked neatly on the floor in boxes. I closed the door and locked it before my mom or Lenny came bothering me. I started going through the boxes and put the objects where they belonged as I went. I was down to the last box, it was full of my fathers things.

There is one of his ties, it is a dark blue with white stripes, one of his watch's, his favorite jacket, and a few pictures. Mom sold the rest of his stuff in a yard sale. When I went to hang the jacket in the closet I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a person standing in the corner. I whipped around and didn't see anything.

"Calm down Parker," I said to myself aloud. "Your freaking yourself out. Its your first day in a new house and your eyes are playing tricks on you." I put away the rest of my things and decided a  nap would be the most entertaining thing for me to do now. I leaped on my bed and grabbed my iPod. I put my headphones in and turned the music up on blast. 

Right before I drifted off to sleep I saw that thing again. This time I'm sure it was a person. A boy about my age, he is gorgeous. His dark hair seems to shine and his blue eyes made me want to stare. He was toned and muscular. The only problem is I could see straight through him. He was just standing there watching me with a smile on his face. I tried to wake myself up but somehow sleep still took control of my body.

(Hello my lovely people! This is just an idea I had while eating a burger... Tell me what you think! The title basically tells you what the book is about. lol. I may change is later. Give me some feedback please!!!! That would be awesome! Thanks!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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