Hamburger Vampire

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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

AN: I've also posted this on incase you've seen it there as well. I haven't written very many fanfics before.

Alfred had the best girlfriend in the world. They had been friends for years and knew each other inside and out before they'd decided to start dating. Amelia liked video games and hamburgers and pranks and hamburgers and Archaeology and hamburgers and superheroes almost as much as he did. Though, if he had to be honest, she was more like a sister than a girlfriend. They had decided to start dating as a way to fend people off. Amelia was tired of guys always trying to get with her. They'd always see a pretty face and assume she was dumb as a sack of bricks and try to walk all over her or they'd try to change her "unlady-like" behaviors. Or they were just dicks. Alfred had a similar problem with girls, plus his Mom was always asking him when he was ever going to find a nice girl and give her grandchildren. Although he didn't see her in a romantic light, Alfred just enjoyed getting to hang out with one of his best friends all the time without people seeing it as weird. He hoped it would one day grow into more, because he liked the idea of being old and still goofing off with her.

Speaking of Amelia, she had just called to invite him to go to Ruby Tuesday's for Valentine's Day. Aw yiss, hamburger date. They didn't usually go to Ruby Tuesday's because it was a bit out of their price range, what with them both being struggling college students and all. With all the hamburgers they ate, you'd think they'd be big as whales but Alfred was on the school's Baseball team and Amelia was on the Track team. Sometimes after burger dates, for fun, they would run around the park. This, of course, always resulted in them playing hide and seek or chase like a pair of children. And that's exactly how Alfred pictured this date ending.

Alfred picked out a clean shirt and pants and hung them on his door. He showered and brushed his teeth. He brushed his hair the best he could, but he knew that when it dried it would do its own thing and that cowlick at the front would be back. He picked up a bit around his living room even though he knew Amelia had seen it at its worst and didn't care. It was a formality that he felt like keeping. He was really excited to try the new Margarita burger tonight. As a burger connoisseur, he believed that it was his duty to try every flavor of burger that man could come up with. He leaned behind the couch, his hiding spot, and pulled out a wrapped gift for Amelia. It shouldn't be long now.

Right at 6, Amelia knocked on Alfred's door. She let herself in and plopped down on the couch next to him. Her dress was killer and showed off her Monroe curves. She had on heels, but Alfred knew she probably had some sensible shoes stashed in her bag for running later.

"How's it goin' dude?" She asked while glancing at the TV to see Alfred watching an episode of The Incredible Hulk on one of the Retro stations.

"Nuthin' much, just waiting on the coolest person I know to come get me and take me on the coolest, funnest Valentine's Date ever." He replied, taking a swig from his coke before offering her a sip. She drank some before standing back up and grabbing his hand to drag him up.

"Come on, let's go. We might have time to go see a movie or something after we eat." She said, while pulling Alfred up.

He reached under the coffee table and pulled out her present.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

She ripped all the paper off in excitement to find a novelty hamburger shaped phone. She laughed and hugged Alfred before pulling his present out of her bag. It was a Hamburger shaped hat. Man, they were so perfect for each other.

Alfred walked to the closet and got his Grandad's bomber jacket. It reminded him of the sacrifices his ancestors had made to keep this country free and made him feel closer to his Grandad even though he wasn't there anymore. It hugged his shoulders perfectly and made him feel as much of a man as his Grandad had been. Alfred grabbed his house keys and locked the front door. He looked up to see Amelia rolling up her dress to sit on her Harley. She had on gym shorts under her dress to hide her undies. Alfred hopped on behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist to keep from being ripped off while she sped down the road.

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