Chapter Fourteen

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Good Evening, Good afternoon, good morning to all you wattpadders! I haven't written any of Cold Heart in so long, i've had enough exams to send me crying to the cows, and so i've been a little absent. However, now i've got more time on my hands, i'll definitely be updating more regularly. This chapter is back in Lara's point of view, just so you know, and is a little bit of a filler chapter, leading up to the wedding of Sam and Her. Hope you enjoy :)

Votes and comments would be lovely, bitches!

-- Sookie


Chapter Fourteen

I felt so stupid. What the hell was I thinking, dry humping Will? My brain wrestled with itself as arguments flew back and forth in my mind. I never knew I needed to be a virgin, how the hell would I have guessed? God, I had no self control around him. Even though he annoyed the backbones out my ass, he was still a total beauty and made me feel like I wanted him at any time, all of the time. He was a dick like that. At least now I knew the whole thing he’d spun on me had been an act. Showed how much of a god damn player he was, really. Asshole.

When I left Emelle’s perfectly prim room, complete with slutty underwear thrown across the room and random vials of drugs, I avoided Will like the plague, as he did me. When dinner was called in the dining room, we sat at opposite ends of the table, not saying a word to each other. I caught him giving me huge proud smirks a number of times, but I only returned them with death stares. He could go die, even though he was already dead.

Emelle and Sam didn’t join us for dinner. I’d wondered where they’d gotten to, it’d been over three hours. When the human girl, around nineteen with frizzed ginger hair came and sat on my lap, her eyes dead with compulsion and excitement, I only thought about what they could be doing as I bit into the skin of her neck. Her tangy blood tasted like oranges to me, and I quite enjoyed the taste. She moaned in pain a little, but that only made me suck harder. Before I knew it, she was drained and slumping pale and cold on the ground. Shame. I was having trouble with control lately, apparently.

Will drained two human girls, both appearing to me like strippers. They had no shortage of them here in the underworld. As we drove through the streets of Tenebrae, it was only a matter of time before you saw one of the Brothels. There’d be a few half naked vampire sluts standing on the side of the road, totally high on drugs and looking like scum more than ever. They’d look hungry and starved, their black eyes always bulging, carrying big purple bags underneath. Will had once mentioned to me that Emelle had come from a brothel, in her early days. She’d apparently caught the eye of Sam, and that’s how she turned demon. Huh. Freaky.

After dinner, I had literally nothing to do. I wondered around the cabin, bored out my mind. Sam and Emelle still hadn’t come home, and the awkwardness was beginning to wear towards fighting talk between Will and I. I ate another human, my throat burning like shit. I watched TV. I played twister with two of my handmaids, Poppy and Molly. After another hour past, I was beginning to panic. I knew it would be seriously hard to take down the King of the underworld and his whore, but who knows? I’d had enough weird stuff happen to me in the last week to believe that anything could happen. So I decided to go out and look for them.

I pulled on a pair of hot pants and a dark red sweater, that being the only thing in my wardrobe that wasn’t either underwear or skimpy little nightdresses, and went out into the wintery snow. It was only lightly snowing, but looking at the sky I could tell it would easily get worse within the next hour, and with the snow coming up to my mid-calf already, I had no idea how we’d possibly get a car through in order to get back to the palace.

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