Saved By You: Two

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"Hey, are you okay?"

The blackness had fully enveloped me, and my body was numb, but I had a slight sense of what was going on around me. I couldn't feel, but I could hear a few muffled voices, as if some people were talking under water.

"Call an ambulance!"

The sky, a mellow crimson colour, was darkening as the sun set on the horizon, night falling over the beach we were on. I stretched out my arms and legs as I lay in the sand, grinning up at the sky. "It's days like these that I'm happy to be alive," I say simply.

Beside me lay my best friend, Zara, who, even as a twelve year old, always looked at peace. She let out a sigh of contentment and propped her hands behind her head. "You should always be happy to be alive," she said, speaking wisely. Rolling onto her side, Zara turned to face me. "Life is a gift."

"Gosh," I said chuckling. "You sound like Yoda."

She places her hand on her chest, rolling back over onto her back and pretending to look hurt. "I'm much too attractive to be yoda," Zara says dramatically.

"Sure..." I say, shaking my head. Though I was only twelve, I could tell the difference between being rude and joking, and with Zara there was never anything rude said.

She scoffed, scooping up a pile of sand and throwing it in my direction. I narrowly dodged it, laughing. 

I opened my eyes, the world around me blurry. It felt as if I was riding in the car again, moving along. Realizing I was being pushed on a stretcher, I tried my hardest not to panic at the fact that I couldn't move my arms or legs. My body felt paralyzed, tingling in all the wrong ways.

Looking up, my gaze settled on a shadowy, tall figure, face hidden from my view. Although I couldn't make out the features, something clicked in my mind, telling me it was a male- an unfamiliar one. A few other unfamiliar faces crosses my line of vision every now and then, a couple with strange masks on.

You're in a hospital, I told myself at one stage. They're doctors. What do you expect?

I was feeling really faint again, and I could see the darkness seeping back, faltering my sight. My whole body tingled and throbbed continuously, but I couldn't cry or scream out. There was something wrong- something stopping me from saying or doing anything at all.

"She's losing consciousness again," a deep voice rung out. "We need to hurry. She's going into shock."

I just want to sleep... I think, as a strange feeling of exhaustion overwhelms me and I suddenly can't stand to keep my eyes open any longer. It's too painful.

So, I give into the darkness again, letting my eyelids droop.

"Come on, Elle," Zara encouraged, giving me a nudge. "You are fifteen years old and haven't had a boyfriend. You can do this!" 

I knew my friend was only trying to help me get the guy of my dreams, but I really just wanted her to stop. I didn't want a boyfriend. Not right now. My studied were my main focus. I had to get good grades so that I'd get a good job. And I didn't like him that much...

"No, look, its okay," I insisted, backing up. Zara was slowly trying to nudge me closer to the boy, but I kept inching backwards. "I really don't want this. Please." I almost was pleading now, feeling rather pathetic.

"As your friend I'm meant to push you to do things!" Zara exclaimed. "I don't get why you won't do this?"

"I don't want a boyfriend," I groaned, shaking my head. "I mean, yes he's very, very, very-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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