Chapter 24

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Okay so Holden is officially not Aubrey's mate. A lot of you are excited and think the story is over but it's not done just yet ;)



Chapter 24

Aubrey's POV

Breathing heavily I didn't slow down even though I was far from that stupid party. How could my parents and friends betray me?

That was a party to celebrate Holden and I yet my friends still pushed me into it. It hurt to know they chose Holden over me. So what he's the damn alpha I'm there friend! What if that was a lie though?

What our friendship was the first part of the plan to make me Holden's mate? If he had tried to mark me in high school I probably would have gone along with it, the possibly of being stuck with Holden forever caused me to shudder.

A aching in my lower legs caused me to slow down but not stop. And what my dad said about binding packs hurt. Was I just a damn bargaining chip to him?!

I didn't even know my dad was apart of another pack, I assumed he was apart of Holden's since he was living on Blue Haven territory. Maybe I was the reason Holden never kicked them out.

It explains why my mom always pushed me to be with Holden. Pressing my palm flat against a near by house I let my head drop wearily.

A chilly wind blew causing me to shiver due to my lack of clothing. It was nearly pitch black outside with the street lamps giving the only light. A crescent moon shined

in a bright white light that would only be visible in a dimly lit neighborhood.

Wrapping my arms around my torso I stopped and leaned my body against the house. Was our relationship in high school a lie? I realized it could have been, what about my friendship with Alex and Kelly?

My heart sunk sadly. Kelly will probably be at our apartment waiting for me. I don't want to talk to her yet though but than where am I going to go? Not my parents house that's for sure.

For some reason I couldn't get the look on my dad's face out of my head. What was that brief emotion? Regret with a mix of guilt but he didn't stop the mating.

With my arms still around my waist I moved away from the house. It won't do any good to sit moping around besides I'm cold in this stupid table cloth like dress and my feet are beginning to hurt.

I really should not have ran in six inch heels. Sighing out loud I really regretted leaving my apartment, I should have just stayed home. And what drown in my tears over a guy I barely know?

"Argh!" I breathed out in frustration as I shoved my fingers into my scalp

Why can't I get that jerk out of my head?! He is a ignorant, cocky, player, man whore! Yeah a lying, horny yet sexy, funny-damn!

Your better than this, I thought as I lifted my head up in an attempt to lift my spirits but when I looked up I couldn't believe my eyes.

My hands dropped to my side limply. The sound of my heart pounding in my ears was too loud to be normal.

Standing at the corner of the block in the same beige cargo pants and tank top as earlier today was the same cocky guy I was thinking about.


My lips parted as a soft sigh slipped out. He was standing stiffly with a torturous expression on his face. The sadness in his emerald green eyes pulled at the strings of my heart as I stared at him in disbelief.

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