We're going to talk

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We’re going to Talk

Sky’s POV

                I leaned on my hand in English ready to get yet another F. Maybe I could add it to my collection. Ms. Bailey walked up to me with a huge smile on her face. My eyes widened as they shifted down to the paper in her hands. She was going to murder me l got another F. I jumped out of my seat and kicked it to the ground. Then I flipped my desk and glared down at our short teacher.

                “No it’s illegal and if you still want to do it I’m not going down without a fight ever heard of werewolves let’s just say they are not  man’s best friend”, I sneered stomping my right foot.

                “Sky what are you talking about and what is this about werewolves”, Ms. Bailey asked feigning innocence.

                “Don’t play innocent I know what you’re up to and I’m not going to let you kill me”, I screamed pushing Brittany’s desk on top of her still holding a tiny  grudge about her sitting on Blaine’s lap. It was a struggle to keep my snicker in my head.

                “Sky I’m not trying to kill you I’m happy that you got an A”, Ms. Bailey cried thrusting my paper in my face. I smack it away.

                “That’s what they al- wait did you say an A”, I asked yanking my English essay out of her hands. Right across the top in big red print was an A. Now it may have been a low A-93- but it was my first A. I let out a loud shriek before I ran a victory lap around the room. When I got to Brittany’s desk I decided to be nice and pull her out from under it. Then I remembered I was happy and I got an A so I really didn’t have to be nice. I pushed her back under.

                “Sky class just started”, Ms. Bailey cried after me as I ran out of the classroom screaming and dancing.

                Aaron Storm meet me at the entrance to the gym I yelled through pack mind link. I was met with a chorus of Owws and Remember to block us out Sky.

                By the time I skidded to a stop outside of the gym a very annoyed Storm and a grinning Aaron were standing there waiting for me.

                “Guess what”, I cried doing a little dance around them.

                “What is it Sky”, grumbled Storm.

                “You’re going to take your shirt off”, Aaron guessed pointing his finger at my chest. I flicked his nose.

                “You both suck at guessing”

                Aaron rolled his eyes and Storm yanked the paper out of my hand impatiently. I watched as Aaron leaned over his shoulder. A laugh escaped my lips as I watched their eyes widen comically. Storm gave me a hard look.

                “Who did you copy”, he sighed brushing his fingers through his curls.

                “Shut up Storm I saw her write it”, Aaron smirked pushing Storm’s shoulder playfully.

                I smiled proudly crossing my arms over my chest. Raising my eyebrows I gave him a challenging look.

                “What do you say”, I grinned bouncing on the balls of my feet.

                “I’m proud of you”, Storm pulled me into hug a gentle smile appeared on his lips.

                “Me too”, Aaron piped in jumping on top of Storm from behind.

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