Chapter 10- Let the Games Begin

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                                                     Chapter 10- Let the Games Begin

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the Sixty-eighth Hunger Games begin!" That's the first thing I hear when my plate rises up. All I saw was a bright light, my eyes were still getting used to the sunlight. 

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I took in my surroundings. We were on a flat expanse of dirt, placed in a circle around the Cornucopia, a huge golden horn filled to the brim with weapons and the supplies needed to stay alive during the Games. 

Surrounding us was a huge thick forest, stretching as far as I could see. But rising up out of the forest in front of me was a huge mountain covered in snow. I instantly decided to stay away from in. That's a great way for the Gamemakers to kill us off. 

My eyes wandered back to the Cornucopia, assessing what was inside of it. I skimmed over all the knives and backpacks and barrels, looking for the weapon that might be my salvation. Then... there! I found it! Lying on top of a crate were the two most beautiful duel swords that I've ever seen. 

I was itching to get my hands on that weapon. It means the difference between life and death to me. Who cares what Katie said about staying out of the blood bath, I need those swords. I knew I could get there before everyone else if I sprinted. I was the fastest runner in the school. I tensed up, ready to run when the sixty seconds were up. 

The gong sounded, and everyone took off running to the Cornucopia. I was right; I was the fastest out of everyone. I reached the crate and grabbed the swords, twirling around to face the other Tributes. I could just imagine her swearing at me from the Headquarters. The thought made me smile. 

The first person who reached me was the small boy from District 8. He charged at me with a knife, but I jumped out of the way and swung at him with my swords. He ducked just in time, and I felt a little bit of relief. I really didn't want to kill anyone. But then, before he could move, he crumpled to the ground, dead. An axe was buried in his back, his blood seeping onto the dirt, getting on my shoes. 

I quickly ran away from him, horrified. I decided to go back to my mentor's plan and run. As I sprinted towards the forest, I heard something whizzing towards me and I quickly ducked, barely missing the knife that was thrown at my head. I stopped and turned around. It was the girl from District 1. She started advancing towards me, pulling out a sword from her belt. Her blue eyes were cold and her face and dark red hair were stained with the other Tributes' blood. 

I knew it was pointless to run, so I came at her, my swords out. When I reached her, she swung at me, and I dodged her blade. That started the deadly duel that could only end with one alive.  

We stabbed, lunged, swung, and jabbed at each other; each of us dodging the others attacks. This went on for a while, none of us gaining the upper hand. 

Finally, I swung my blade, and instead of dodging, she brought up hers and met me halfway. We pushed against each other, our swords locked, trying to find out who was stronger.  

My arms were shaking; I couldn't keep this up for much longer. She smiled, seeming to know that, and shoved me extra hard, knocking me to the ground.  

I just lay there, helpless, knowing that I was going to die. I took a deep breath, trying to stop the tears coming to my eyes. I thought of all the things I've done, and all the things I wanted to do. I wanted to see Cody and my family again. 

The girl walked over to me, her face expressionless. She raised her sword over my chest. Fear gripped me, I didn't want to die, but it was inevitable that I would.  

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