Chapter 4

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* Addison's POV *

"Addison, is something wrong? You've been so down lately. Did something happen while we were gone?" Skylar asked, her voice laced with concern.

Hesitant, I try to tell them what happened. Everything starting from when they left to when they returned.

"I- I'm," struggling to say it out, tears started to form in my eyes.

"Oh, Addison. You don't have to tell us right away. Take as much time as you need." Kendall said rubbing my back, both of them trying to comfort me.

Sitting on my bed with my best friends gave me the feeling of love and comfort. They had no idea how blessed and thankful I am for their lives. After calming down a bit, I take a deep breath and tell them.

"I'm pregnant." I say softly. I inhaled deeply trying to keep the tears from falling again. I felt like a failure to my friends and I couldn't look them in the eyes. After surprised gasps, silence filled the air for a couple of seconds before Kendall spoke up.

"Does he... uhm, does Colton know?" Kendall slowly asked.

I slowly shook my head in disappointment.

"I tried calling, but it just kept going to voicemail. I don't know if I can do it anymore. Hearing his voice again, I- I miss him." I said losing my voice at the end.

They both looked away not being able to stand seeing their friend become more emotionally drained.

"You didn't leave a voicemail did you?"

I shook my head again.

"I can't do that, I need to talk to him and tell him. It's only fair."

Something in what I said made Skylar snap.

"But he wasn't fair!" Skylar cried. "Why do you have to be fair when he hurt you! He left you at the alter for crying out loud!"

"Skylar!" Kendall scolded.

"No, listen to me!" Skylar said, frustration clearly in her voice.

"I hate seeing my best friend like this! Even though he was the one that broke you and tore you apart the last two weeks you still want to tell him! The way I see it, you don't have to tell him! Not after everything he's done.. Not after everything he has put you through."

I stared at Skylar in shock and thought about what she said.

Did I really have to tell him after everything he's done? He left me for a reason and telling him I am having his child could be a bad decision. He may not even want our baby and ignore the news.

In the corner of my eye I could see Kendall giving Skylar a piece of her mind but I didn't pay attention to it. My attention was on the matter at hand.

After having an internal battle in my head on what my next move was, Skylar grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." Skylar apologized giving me a small smile. "I just hate seeing you like this."

"Yeah Addison." Kendall added. "You don't deserve this much heartache and pain. You're a great person and I know being a mother is going to be tough but you have us."

"We'll be right here with you, if you need us. We're not going to leave you alone." Skylar informed.

I smiled the best I could but I knew it wasn't much.

"I know I haven't been showing it as well as before but thank you guys so much. And Skylar, being fair is the only way right now. I still love him and I don't think I'll ever stop. I want him to know as badly as I want him beside me right now."

Skylar nodded and squeezed my hand.

"Go call him."

Nodding my head, I take my phone and stare at it. Building up all courage I lost earlier, I begin to slowly dial his number, glad to have my friends here with me this time.

* Colton's POV *

"She's calling again." Landon said handing me my phone.

I looked at it and shook my head.

"C'mon man, just answer it." He persistently said shoving the phone in my face.

"I can't, I can't talk to her." I said swatting the phone away from me.

"She's going to give up soon and you're going to be too late."

I thought about what he just said and I knew he was right. I just couldn't talk to her, not after what I did. I humiliated her in front of our friends and family. I left her when I should've been doing the opposite. I should've said my vows and promises with so much love, but I didn't. I should've said I do and sealed our emotional ceremony with an unforgettable kiss, but I didn't.

Only Landon knew my reason for my actions and he did not let a day go by where he would tell me that I am "the stupidest man alive" or that "I will regret the decision I made for the rest of my life." Even though Landon knows how bad I hurt her, he never left me since the wedding. Landon is more than my best friend, he's like a brother to me.

The thing is, I regretted the decision I made the moment I took a step away from the life I was suppose to have. Addison is perfect and everything I have ever wanted and more. When we were together I knew everything was going to be alright, but this time things happened and this time, it was different. Problems came up just before our wedding and I couldn't seem to find a solution. So I did the stupidest thing, I ran. I'm the biggest coward in the universe, I know, but I can't face her right now, not until I fixed my problem.

"I just need a little more time to fix it and I can explain everything to her." I muttered.

"Explain everything to her right now and I know she will understand!" Landon said frustrated.

"Landon." I said sternly.

Landon shook his head disappointingly.

"Okay fine, it's up to you. But I'm warning you one more time, she's going to give up and you're going to be too late."

With that he stood up from the couch in my living room and walked into the kitchen leaving me with my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and leaned back onto the couch.

"Please Addison, please don't give up on us just yet." I whispered.


Author's note

I just want to give the biggest authors note of appreciation! Thank you so much for commenting on the last couple chapters because your guys comments have been giving me a lot of motivation for this story! I'm sorry for how slow I've been updating but I just want the chapter you guys read to be readable LOL. Thank you guys soo much again!! <3

What do you think Colton is hiding? Why do you think he left Addison at the alter?

Much love,


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