~Mary and Harry~

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Mary's POV:

I stood there, behind the camera, watching One Direction act in the ICarly special. They were each doing a fine job, and I can't wait for them to finish.

"Cut!" the director called.

"That's a wrap!" another man said.

I grinned and ran on set.

"Harry!" I called, throwing my arms around him.

"Mary!" Harry said, kissing me gently after.

I heard someone coughing a little. We pull away to see the other four of One Direction, staring at me.

"Who is this? No offense," a boy with stripes and suspenders asked.

"You didn't tell them about me?" I ask.

"You guys, this is Mary. She's my girlfriend." Harry said.

"Oh!" they said in unison.

"I'm Louis."


"Hi, I'm Liam."

" 'Vas Happening!? I'm Zayn!"

They each introduced themselves.

"So this is who you were calling all the time," Louis said with a smirk.

I blushed while Niall laughed. I look over at Harry to see him blushing, as well.

"Yes, why?" Harry asked.

Louis placed a hand over his heart, faking hurt.

"But-but what about us? I thought we had something, Hazza!" Louis exclaimed.

Harry caught on, acting with him.

"There will always be us!" Harry said.

They both ended with a hug. I clapped, along with the rest. Harry strides over to me. My turn.

Harry's POV:

I walked over to my girlfriend. I looked into her blue yes as she tucked a random piece of blond hair behind her ear. She faked being hurt.

"What about us, Harry?" Mary asked.

I caught on.

"Shh, secret lover. Not here," I say.

Mary tried to stifle a laugh, but failed miserably.

"Let's go." I say, and we leave the studio.


I sat next to Mary during the movie we were watching at the hotel. She must have been tired, because she rested her head on my shoulder. Before her eyes fluttered shut and she gave into sleep, I said:

"Mary, I love you."

Mary replied with a tired tone.

"I love you, too."

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