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"Dr.Anderson called up. They have nearly completed clearing the snow and removing the road blocks. She will be on the way shortly. But she has given us the green signal."

Owen told me while entering the OR after scrubbing. I had already scrubbed in with Dr.Randall and was hoping that she will be able to make it in time before the surgery.

The preparation for the surgery was almost completed. Induction of general anaesthesia had already been carried out by the anaesthesist team, the endotracheal tube placed in the airway and the vital functions continuously monitored. The sounds of the anaesthetic monitoring devices's continuous beeping filling the quiet room. The sterile surgical field marked with sterile green drapes and skin preparation done with aseptic measures. The scrub nurse had counted and laid out the instrument sets on the scrub table. Intravenous lines were running the crystalloid solutions and cross matched & typed blood kept ready to be tranfused throughout the whole procedure.


"Are we ready, Ava?"

Owen asked looking at me closely as we all stood together around the operating table. This is it, Ava. You have to be strong. I told myself.

I glanced at his direction one more time and spoke to him silently.

"I will not let go of you. Stay with me, please. Don't let go of me."

"I am ready."

I replied to Owen who nodded his head in return.

"Good then. Lets begin."

He said while looking at everyone else in the room.

Taking a deep breath and with a silent prayer in my lips, I spoke to the scrub nurse.

"Scapel, please."

Holding the scapel in my hand, I carefully made a clean midline incision on the abdomen meant for explorative laparotomy.


"Suction please."

I said after entering the abdomen as we rapidly evacuated the liquid and clotted blood, our hands working continuously in co-ordination. Owen was right. The liver was injured but mildly and we started packing laparotomy pads on the surface of the liver, placing it over and around the bleeding sites to control the haemorrhage.


Owen spoke after identifying the small bleeding vessels which we started controlling with electrocautery, a surgical technique to seal the bleeding blood vessels. One by one, we began exploring and examining the other solid abdominal organs systematically searching for other bleeding sites.

All the while, I kept glancing at the monitors to check the vitals and counting the time we were into the surgery.

After controlling the bleeding and since we were suspecting a small bowel injury causing the peritonitis, we began inspecting the small bowel. Beginning from a point, the ligament of Trietz, we carefully went on evaluating by running the bowel.

"Found it."

I said as we finally found the offending site, a small laceration around the circumference of the bowel. Owen nodded his head in return as both of us went about repairing the tear and closing it in a single layer technique with sutures. We didn't speak a word to each other as we concentrated on repairing it fast.


"Guys, I am sorry. How is everything going on?"

Dr.Anderson had hurriedly entered the O.R after scrubbing in.

"Thank you, God."

I mumbled a silent gratitude heaving a sigh of relief. Owen was explaining and updating about the progress of the surgery. We needed her expertise and guidance if we were going to complete this surgery successfully. I thought feeling a bit relieved.

"Excellent job, guys. Now lets finish this neat and clean."

She told us while joining us in the operating table.


Standing outside the O.R, I know that I was shaking terribly as I tried to grapple with the reality and everything that has happened till now. The things that has been building up inside me were slowly releasing and finding its way out. My bottled up emotions were catching up on me finally.

At a distance, I could make out a figure coming towards me. Everything appeared to be hazy in my eyes. Daniel? I thought realising that it was him. What is he doing here? I questioned myself. Isn't he supposed to be somewhere else?


I tried taking his name, struggling with the effort to do so. Suddenly the blackness seems to welcome me and the only thing I remembered was that I was falling.



On the way as I hurried to the O.R, I was told that the surgery was a success. Dr.Anderson had also scrubbed in during the last part of the surgery.

Outside the OR, I saw Owen talking to a young guy. He didn't see it but I had noticed her looking weak and unsteady. She was looking in my direction. Suddenly sensing what's going to happen next, I rushed towards her only to catch her before she hit the ground.


I frantically called out her name trying to revive her. She had fainted right there in my arms.



Toughest chapters I have ever drafted & uploaded.

DISCLAIMER:* A work of fiction* including the medical aspects in the story which should not be viewed as the accurate representation only.

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