Marked Of the Undead chapter 3

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Ariana’s POV

Marcus drove me to my first day in school, stopping at a very enormous black gate. We waited a little while with cameras spinning and stuff so complicated I couldn’t understand. I guess it had something to do with security.

As we drove in I was so amazed. This wasn’t a school, I thought to myself, it was a town itself. It had so many gorgeous, tall buildings with students of different ages talking and playing here and there. There was a large field near us and I could see some kids playing with fireballs; well it couldn’t really be described as a fireball as it was blue and glowed every time one of the boys touched it.

“Wow, this school is pretty awesome," I said to Marcus as he parked his Porsche. The car was filled with bags and boxes. I had no idea how Marcus got all my clothes and belongings from my house but I guess it was a safe call; I didn’t want to see any of their faces again. Not that I was going to miss any of my ‘family’ or anything, they never loved me, my supposed mother and father always treated Kalie like the princess and I the dirt they couldn’t bear to touch. I could see why I believed Marcus so soon when he said I was adopted. I was sure going to miss a lot of my friends, I hate to even think this but I was going to miss Dawson the most. Trying my best to keep tears from rolling down my face at the thought of leaving that life behind, I recomposed myself.

I entered into the school, incredibly nervous; I mean I didn’t know anything

about magic! What if people saw me as the weird, new girl?

“You’ll be fine." Marcus side hugged me, obviously noticing how nervous I was.

“I wouldn’t bet my money on it," I murmured.

As we swung open the double glass door, there was a woman with large round glasses sitting behind a desk. “Hello Ariana,” the woman greeted. "I’m Juliana and I’ll like to welcome you to the school of magic."

“Thanks, Juliana," I smiled.

"Here is your schedule and your guide book containing everything you need to know about the school including your map." Of course, it needs a map, it’s way too big for its own good, I thought to myself.

“Oh, and you’ll meet your roommate in room 206B at the third floor of this building.

After Juliana explained all I needed to know, Marcus walked me to my first class; defense.

We followed through the stairs and walked towards the entrance of the 2nd door, he then gave a reassuring pat on my back before leaving me.

As I walked into the class I could feel all eyes on me, I know it isn’t like me but I hated talking in front of people; makes me nervous.

“Class, this is Ariana Joans,” A slender woman with short black hair that made her face look tougher than it already was, introduced me. “Ariana could you tell us a little about yourself.

“Hey guys!, as you all know I’m Ariana Joans, I love sports and video games, I hate narcissistic bitches and if you don’t like me keep it to yourself and suck it up your self-depressed ass” I smirked earning a stunned gasp for my defense teacher.

“Nice, are you single?” a cute boy sitting at the back of the class asked smirking.

“Depends” I winked

Defense was…let’s just say it wasn’t my favorite class. We had to choose a partner and dodge magical balls from them. Since I didn’t know which element I would be using, my partner had to throw the balls. Even though it was a freshman class, I thought I was certainly the weakest, well I kind of free styled with my super karate skill.

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