Chapter 1

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She groaned and searched her cell phones below her pillow, never bother to check the number knowing that whoever call her in this ungodly hour better have good reasons, “Hello?” she mumbled before clutched her pillow again

“I take it that you haven’t wake up yet?”

“Do you even realize what time is it before you call?” she muttered, sleepy and annoyed

“2 in the afternoon?”

“More like 2 in the morning,” she grumbled, “seriously, don’t you have consideration or crap like that?”

“Honey, you should listen to yourself,” she paused for a while, “how are you by the way? I haven’t seen you in like, ages?”

“A year, give or take, and what kind of conversation is this?”

“Well, the kind you have when your friend miss you”

“yeah, right,” Cherrie grumbled, the conversation was as senseless as it could be and in the least comfortable hour at that, really, how  much worse could it get she wondered, “seriously, whatever it is you need?”

“when will you come back here?”

She groaned again, “Really, Joanna? You should know that I would be back when I want, not before”

There is a pause, but Cherrie know her friends much too well to ever hope that she will give up to do whatever she want whenever she first broach the subject, Cherrie did admire that one traits, but only when it’s not directed at her, like now.

“Look, I really need my beauty sleep right now, so if you don’t mind, good night,” abruptly she cut down the communication line and continued to her sleep once again, but somehow, she couldn’t really asleep, something keep nagging at the back of her mind, you know, the kind when something is about to happen. Telling herself that she became paranoid, she shook the feeling and continued her too normal, very down to earth live as a normal sophomore. That, if you know a sophomore who have a too realistic friend on the other side of the globe trying to persuade you to go back to life full of stress

The day passed as usual, despite her difference with her dorm mate, nothing is out of place, which is, quite unsettling, she couldn’t help but feeling something is going to happen, not that she is egocentric or anything like that, but she felt that it’s like calm before storm.

By the end of the day, she couldn’t help herself and finally dialing her friends, “Come on, what is going on?”

Joanna is far from pleased, it showed through the long lasting silence, “Joanna? You never call me before if something didn’t happen? What’s it?”

“Nothing major,” she assured her friends, and hoped that she is right

“Right, anything minor that I have to be aware about?”

She sighed, “you do know the commotion down in the border of Mexico and so on, don’t you? I’ve got a wind saying that you’re wanted there”

Somehow, Cherrie wasn’t quite surprise, she knew that there’s been an uprising there, something about a former leader who wanted his throne back from a psycho that currently lead his country, and she did know her worth for someone who was in the middle of gathering money, “Great, I would find you something exotic if I go down there,” she murmured

Joanna rolled her eyes and scanned a report of everything that’s about to explode, she did know Cherrie would handle herself fine, it’s not like it’s the first threat that’s ever happen for her, but her brothers wouldn’t share the same opinion and more than likely throw a fit if they knew

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