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Hi everyone, this is Ria's Chapter.

I woke up, feeling tired and dazed.

Dragging myself out of bed, I pulled on my strapless, zigzag, red and white, belted dress and red headband already laid out on the bed. Clumping down the stairs in bare feet, I nearly woke the whole household. My red and white striped flats were waiting at the front door. I slipped them out and opened the door. A rush of air nearly knocked me over but I continued my 'journey' to the modelling centre. 

No sooner had I walked out the front gate, well... slumped really, I heard a voice, "Proper young ladies shouldn't slump!" I groaned at the familiar voice, "Mum!" She giggled and replied, "You're a model, honey, you should be happy!" I rolled my eyes, "That's exactly why I am not happy..." I mumbled and she tut-tutted, "Don't be ungrateful! It's a wonderful experience!" 

We walked and talked, well that's not entirely true. Let me rephrase that. We walked and she talked, all the way to the runway centre. I wasn't in the mood for talking, since I had only just gotten up.

As I entered the room which I would be shooting in, I was immediately bombarded by Annabel and her tight embrace. 'Ria! Aren't you excited? You get to be on a mag -" Mum slapped her hand over Annabel's mouth and I frowned at her, suspiciously. "A magazine cover?" I asked, my blood starting to boil. I had specifically asked not to be on any magazine covers or on TV. No publicity! Mum and Annabel backed away. Annabel tucked her dark hair over her face and widened her eyes. I struggled to keep the laughter that had now taken over me inside. I finally burst out and rolling on the floor, I giggled at her expression.

"GET UP, RIA!" A loud voice interrupted my fit. Mr Mamothi! I stopped immediately and leaped to my feet. Clicking my heels together, I saluted him, "Yes sir!"

>>>>>>>>>> FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FLASH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Pose! ....Pose again! 

I was posing for about three different cameras and I was nearly blinded in the process. I was sick of modelling! No joke! And I was sick of Mr Mamothi and his size six models. 

After the half an hour of torture and blinding of my eyes, Annabel ran up to me. "Hey, Ria?" I focused my attention on her. 

Her eyes lit up, mischeiviously and she grinned. Finally she burst out,


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