Part 40- Yes

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Part 40- Yes
Song for this chapter- Holy Ground- Taylor Swift
Elsie's POV:

*1 year later*
The album dropped, the world loved it. The boys got so big, and still are; they're taking on the world.
Everybody was on a month break- away from the interviews and concerts and screaming girls. We finally got to relax.
We finally went back to Australia.
Michael had been gone all day, and I was hanging out with Calum, pennyboarding down the streets of Sydney, the sun hot above our heads.
I wore Michael's loose white shirt, tucked into my jean shorts and my black converse, his necklace resting on my chest, like always. I don't think I will ever forget that outfit. It was my favorite.
Calum acted nervous all day. He wouldn't tell me why. Just that we were doing something special for my birthday that night.
I was turning 19.
When Calum finally decided to return home, I jumped off my board, and ran up the steps of Dez's porch.
"You coming in?" I asked Calum, looking over my shoulder.
He didn't answer, he just winked and yelled a 'Happy birthday' before he walked over to Michael's.
As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I noticed the crisp white envelope on the table.
"Dez?" I had asked. There was no answer.
My initial was printed in Michael's scratchy handwriting on the front of the envelope so I opened it, pulling out a small note.
"Story time. We are eating together, not on a date, but I wish it was. You look at me funny. I love it.
First meal? I remembered having the barbecue in Michael's backyard, his dad and neighbors grilling burgers.
I went through the gate of his yard, and saw an identical white envelope on the step I sat on when I saw Michael help the boy with the Legos.
"You are sitting here and you look up at me, your makeup washed off and hair going crazy behind you, and I don't know why I can't look away.
What happened after this? You find out who we are and I give you my sweatshirt. (You're favorite one.)
The beach. We sat in the sand and watched the fire crack in front of us. Luke held Lily's hand.
The sand leaked through the hole of my converse then.
Sitting on a lone chair in the middle of the beach was another envelope.
"Never before this time did I think someone looked so good in my clothes.
Time jump. You're looking for a job and I just want to find a reason to spend time with you. We go to the place you love. I fall asleep on you.
The book store. Rose, the older woman, thought Michael was my boyfriend. I grabbed my penny and raced down the road, clutching all three letters in my sweaty hands, eyes misty. 'What was he doing?' I remember thinking.
If I knew I probably would've choked.
The bell rang above my head and I raced to the front desk.
"Rose? Has Michael been here?" I asked her, and I can still remember the smile her face held.
"I knew it was only a matter of time." She handed me a new letter, the same initial on the front.
"We're sitting in my car. You're having your first panic attack in front of me. But I'm bringing you back and neither of us can believe it.
It didn't even take me a minute to walk outside and find the envelope on the curb.
"You're getting good at this. Ready for a tough one?
I'm throwing rocks at your window. It's midnight. You let me up and we talk about your brother for the first time. We still go there when we talk. Where are we?
I went back and forth across the town that day. I'm surprised my legs could still carry me.
Climbing onto the roof was easier now that I'd done it so many times.
Leaning against a loose shingle was the envelope.
"Now we're making a fort and ordering pizza. I'm spilling pop down your shirt and we're laughing on the stairs.
Michael's house's door was open, and I remember thinking it was eerily silent.
At the base of his stairs sat the last envelope. I didn't know this yet, but the contents of this envelope would lead me to the best moment of my life.
Tucked inside was a game card. A 'Sorry!' game card, to be exact. The one that read, "Sorry! Move your lead pawn directly to home." I was confused, until I remembered when I had played the same game with Michael a few months before.
"I love this card. It's just so sassy." I had said.
Now, I knew what he wanted me to do.
I needed to go home.
The walk from Michael's porch to Dez's felt like a millennia. As I finally climbed the steps, I saw Michael. He was standing with his hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans, black converse knotted badly, and a Rolling Stones ripped up shirt hung loosely from his chest. His brown hair sticking up in all the right ways. The perfect mix of everything I loved about him.
I think I was already crying when I stood in front of him. He didn't question it. He just smiled that sweet smile that lit up every dark corner in my mind, and grabbed my hands.
"Over a year ago, I was waiting in line for a plane and a flight home. I was angry because Ashton and I's seats got moved, and we couldn't sit by the rest of the boys. But I could deal with it, because I knew I was going home. That's all I cared about. But then I sat down and you clumsily came in, everything about you screaming unique. From your red curly hair and glasses, to your Ed Sheeran t-shirt and bright green vans. You were beautiful. And I wanted nothing more than to take you out for dinner and talk for hours. So I asked for your number, and, like they say, the rest is history."
He kept talking, the words rambling out, and then I was definitely crying, but I smiled at him as he continued his speech.
"Elsie, I know people say that teenagers are dumb, and we never really know what love it. But I know what it is. Love is you. Love is sitting on the beach with you at 2:45 in the morning, singing Mayday Parade songs and playing guitar. Love is my necklace, hanging from your neck. Love is the Polaroid pictures I carry of you everywhere I go. Love is the CD mixes you make me. Love is nowhere, and everywhere, all at once."
I don't remember what I was thinking now, but I remember how hard my hands shook as Michael got down on his knee.
"I love you with everything I am. And I plan on loving you as long as physically possible. So, will you, Elsie Lynn Parker, make me the happiest lad in the world, and marry me?"
We both cried, and I could barely get the word out. But I knew. I had known since the moment I fell in love with him.
I honestly can't believe how far this story has come. It's amazing.
I'd like to thank Gracie and Soph. They've been here from the awkward start of this, and they've helped me on every possible turn. Thanks so much, guys.
Don't worry, though! The story lives on! (Seriously, NWY is my baby- I couldn't just let it go.) there will be an epilogue, which will be posted in less than a week, aaannnndddddd:
There will be at least two books after this, following Luke and Lily's story, and Sam and Ashton's.
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Comment below, as always. Love for days.
(oh my gosh crying because last authors note I seriously love you guys so much)

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