Chapter 12: Complications

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Author's Note: Hello, all you lovely readers! I know, I have a ton to apologize for as far as this chapter is concerned. I know it's not the longest I've written, but it will do for right now. PLEASE do not kill me for taking so long to upload! If you did, who would write the next chapter? The dedication is split three ways for this one: to Gin_bug because of our wonderful chat session and her amazing story Falling Into Fire; to TrinityTech24 because she has been patiently waiting for me to upload; and to WingedFury because I feel like she needs it. Please read, comment, votes are not required but are certainly appreciated, and be sure to check out my two other stories - Until the Twin Suns Cease to Shine and Game of Lies. Thanks again!

Chapter 12: Complications

The next morning I awoke to a pillow hitting me in the face.

"Get up, Sophia!" Lily said, hitting me again with the pillow. "You're going to miss breakfast if you stay in bed much longer!"

"All right, all right, I'm up, I'm up!" I groaned, rolling myself out of bed. It was WAY too early for this. "And for your information, it's Sophie," I muttered as I stumbled into the bathroom to get myself ready. Quickly I showered, brushed my teeth, pulled on some clothes, and managed to get my ratty, tangled hair into a somewhat presentable state. Once I was finished I looked at myself in the mirror. Dark circles were semi-visible under my eyes, giving me the faint look of a raccoon. My face looked pale and drawn, my red, puffy eyes standing out on the nearly-white skin. The wounds I had sustained from the battle had only just begun to scab over, promising scars later on. All in all, I was a wreck.

"Come on, Sophia!" called Lily again from the Common Room.

"It's 'Sophie'!" I replied as I trudged down to where she stood.

She merely rolled her eyes at me, until she got a good look at my face. She gasped in surprise. "What happened to you?" she asked in a quiet voice. "You look like you've been through a battle!"

I couldn't help but smirk. If only she knew how right she was....then my smile melted away as I remembered all that had happened yesterday. "You have no idea," I replied mysteriously. "Come on, let's go get breakfast; I'm starving."

Before she could say anything else, I grabbed my things and scrambled out of the portrait and into the hallways. That had been a close one. What would have happened if she knew that I was from the future? I sighed as I answered my own question. She would be deeply hurt that I hadn't told her and she probably would never trust me again. That was something I could never let happen. Ever. My mind drifted towards the Marauders. What would happen now between them and Snape? Would they ever truly make up? Sure, they had made major progress last night, but it had only been a few hours. For all I knew, they could have reverted back to their old ways and begun plotting against each other again. Lily wouldn't be too happy about that. Then there was the whole issue between my grandparents. How the heck was I supposed to get them together? Maybe I could enlist Sirius's help to set them up on a date. However, for right now, it would have to wait until I got a meal in me and I had caught up on classes for the day.

As I entered the Great Hall, I found myself replaying memories of my days here from the time I was a first year up till the battle. I smiled sadly. I was glad to have something familiar from my own time to carry with me for the rest of the time I was here. I sat down in a seat, still lost in memory land, and began to aimlessly put food onto my plate. Lily looked at me strangely, then tapped me lightly on the arm. I looked up at her, slightly annoyed at having been brought out of my trance.

"You do realize you're eating syrup, right?" she asked me.

I looked down at my plate. Sure enough, there was a pile of syrup sitting by itself, and I was stabbing it with my fork. I turned red and got myself a waffle and started picking at it. "Sorry," I apologized. "I guess I must have been a bit distracted."

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