Ashes to Burn - Chapter Thirty

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***This story is intended for mature audiences, as it contains graphic violence, gore, coarse language and some sexual content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. 

December 25th, 2015

07:00 hours

IRANR Outpost Station #45, Russia

I looked down at Mouse sleeping beside me. I smiled and got out of bed softly, making sure not to make a sound as I tiptoed to the bathroom. I silently closed the door and flicked on the light. 

Today was Christmas.

I reached under the sink and pulled out a small package wrapped in a cloth. I unfurled it softly and revealed a small, somewhat faded, black box. I opened it and smiled at the thing inside.

A pure silver studded diamond ring.

I had gotten it for Mouse before we were deployed for Russia. I wanted to get it just in case we couldn’t come back. I’d waited eleven years to ask her the question. I was going to do it on New Years. I wrapped up the box again and put it under the sink. I used the toilet and turned on the shower. I heard the bathroom door open and saw as a sleepy looking Mouse walked through the doors with nothing but an oversized t-shirt on. 

“Morning.” She yawned, stretching. I pulled her close to me and kissed her, hard. She smiled into my lips as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

“Good morning, beautiful.” I whispered into her lips, kissing them again. She playfully pushed me away and grabbed her toothbrush. I smiled, stripping out of my clothes and hopping into the shower.

“Julie?” I heard Mouse ask softly. I gently drew the curtain aside to gaze upon her. She looked a bit distant, with sadness brimming in her eyes.

“I miss home.” She whispered, looking back at me. I looked down, allowing the water to run freely over my back and to the tub. 

“I miss it too. I miss my parents and my cat. I miss everything so much.” I swallowed hard, gripping the curtain tight. Mouse turned to me and stripped out of her pajamas. She slipped into the shower with me, pressing her body against mine, allowing the water to coat us in warmth. I kissed her forehead as she cried into my shoulder.

“It’s all happening too fast, Julie. Everyone, they’re all dying. They’re all going to die.” She cried, holding me closer. I adjusted the tap so the water was a bit warmer. We stood there, with the water cascading over our shoulders in waves. 

“The last time I held you like this was in my house on the day we left.” I said absently, rubbing my hand over her slippery bare back. Mouse grabbed the soap and luffa from the basin. She ran her soapy hands over my body and I, in turn, did the same for her. I moved closer to the water, allowing it to fall over us and wash out the soap.

As I was leaning down to turn the tap off, Mouse pulled me back. She nestled her head into the nape of my neck and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Merry Christmas, Julie.” Mouse whispered to me. I glanced down into her beautiful forest brown depths and smiled, misty tears forming in my eyes.

“Merry Christmas.”

I did up the last button on my shirt as I walked towards the door. I threw on my jacket and combat boots and headed out the door with Mouse by my side. We made our way to the dining hall, hands intwined. I saw Andy near the front of the cafeteria talking with Jake and Derek. They were in a deep conversation as they got their food and sat down at the table.

I went up to grab my breakfast with Mouse, occasionally glancing over at my sister. Mouse prodded my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

“Don’t fret, my love. I’m sure everything’s alright.” She mumbled, finding my lips. I smiled as she kissed me. She broke it quickly to grab a bowl of porridge and a plastic spoon. She gave me a playful glance as she made her way to the table. I quickly grabbed my bowl and spoon, following her.

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