{07} Is It True?

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{07} is it true?

Julia watched as her daughter got surrounded by a shimmering red aura as she concentrated on un-cursing the boy from school.

Rayne had been the product of two very powerful clans coming together. Julia; the next-in-line-Queen of the Night Soul clan had mated with Henry; the next-in-line-Alpha of the Dark Forest Pack and both clans came together in harmony after a century of wars.

And now it was her daughter’s destiny to re-unite this clan-pack with the Warrior pack. Julia only hoped that the boy she had cursed was the black wolf she had seen around her daughter’s house two nights ago and every full moon night since she was nine.

By now Rayne was floating in the middle of the circle with her hands resting on her stomach and her eyes flitting about while her lips every now and then quirked in an unknown expression.

“I think she has found her Witch, Julia,” Julia’s mother, Queen Anita, said in a strong voice and Smokey darted out of the kitchen and jumped over the joined hands and landed neatly on Rayne’s stomach as his front paws pressed over her hands.

His tail wrapped around his body and his smoky green eyes sharpened to a dazzling bright green and his fur darkened to jet black as he stared at Rayne and then hissed.

Julia was about to tell Smokey off when Queen Anita smiled. It was a rare smile that only came up when she found things amusing. And from past experience, Julia knew that her mother hardly ever found anything funny enough for her.

“Soul, please don’t disturb her,” she crooned at a very angry looking Smokey. He turned to look at the ancient Queen and growled deep and low. The queen’s only response was to chuckle and beckon him to her side.

Soul jumped off Rayne and tugged at her long hair. When a small smile graced her lips he jumped out of the circle; a cat and landed near the Queen’s feet; a man and a very handsome one at that too.


“Because it was her journey,”

“So it’s true then?” he asked with gritted teeth.

It had been eighty-one years exactly since Smokey had last changed form. The last time he changed was when Crone Antonia died and he had attended her funeral. And now he was in his human form again. No one had seen Soul in a long time and therefore had forgotten that he was a were-cat and now that he was in his human body again everyone stood there shocked.

Smokey the cat had dark smoke-y fur and green smoke-y eyes. Soul the human boy had deep blue eyes dark black hair.

He was one of the few surviving were-cats from the middle ages when witches were hunted for worshipping Satan.

A Witch would rather be burnt at stake than to have that label on her fore-head. The Witches actually were appointed to a particular town where dark forces prevailed. Every resident Witch worked hard to rid the town of the evil forces. Of course the town folk were illiterate and stupid enough to believe that the Witches were the ones causing them grief. It wasn’t until the Witch was killed and the Dark Forces returned that they would realise how stupid they had been.

Of course after the whole episode no other Witch was appointed to them as punishment. And now Thornville had been appointed a whole coven of Witches because of what was about to happen.

“But I could’ve taken care of her!”

Soul’s loud voice brought Julia out of her daze. Rayne’s aura was now turning black.

“Calm your self Ceinlys! I command you!” every head turned to look at the old Queen. She had used Soul’s name in the Ancient Language and now he stood there; frozen.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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