Chapter 2

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I took a few deep breaths before entering my house. I began to unlock the door when it simultaneously opened revealing my mother, with a tempestuous look plastered on her face.

“Where on earth have you been!” she said with her hands on her hips.

“Mum I told you….” I started off but she cut of my sentence by saying

“You’re telling me that your school meeting took this long” she asked suspiciously raising one eyebrow up, she finished off her sentence by saying “don’t play with me young lady”.

I gave a confused expression and replied “what do you want me to say then?”

“The truth” she answered.

“That is the truth!” I said disbelievingly and stormed off past her going up the stairs.


I heard her distinctive shout before I just shut the door, muting her whole voice completely.

I jumped on my bed, planting my face forward on the duvet.

I should’ve never gone through that alleyway, maybe that man might stalk me, and he looks like a stalker. He can be my stalker any day.


Woah, I look up at the white ceiling and scrunched up eyebrows, and muttered to myself” this is wrong, right?”

Raven I never knew you took a liking to those types of guys. He looked to be those types of men that are mysterious and guarded.

My babbling chains of thoughts were interrupted with a knock on my bedroom door.

“Raven” my mother voice said from behind the door.

I instantly shut my eyes; pretending to sleep. You see, me and my mum don’t have a very good relationship, she’s a heavy drinker and sometimes she’s unaware of her actions.

“Raven?” she said sternly this time and opened the door.

I peeked out through my eyelids and saw my mum brunette hair with red highlights coming towards me.

“I know you’re not sleeping honey” her voice seemed so near now.

“I not in the mood mum” I muttered; still with my eyes closed. I heard the sound of her footsteps heading towards the door and then I heard it shut. I sighed inwardly and the next thing I knew I drifted off to sleep.


I felt the deafening sound of the alarm clock ringing; it was so loud I thought my ears were going to bleed. I placed all my energy on my left hand and placed it on my desk rummaging through everything and mumbling “shut up, shut up” over and over until I found it.

After years of searching, I finally found it and slammed it off with all my energy.

I got up groggily and jumped in the shower; I felt more refreshed, I stood in front of my drawer and took out my undergarments, simple blue baggy jeans and baggy black hoodie. Yeah, I’m those types of girls. I got my school bag ready and left my room heading downstairs.

Suddenly some blue eyed person was in front of me; his big blue eyes were just gazing up at me and he said “you were going to leave me? He asked worried.

“Erm yeah?” I replied honestly. He immediately pouts, and gave me those irresistible puppy dog eyes. I sighed loudly.

“Mum can take you” I said

“No, I want you to take me”

“No Jay” I said annoyed. As I was going downstairs I felt sorry for him and when I looked at his eyes they were already tearing up.

“Alright, go and get ready” I groaned defeated.


“You’re lucky Jay, your school is nearby, otherwise I wouldn’t take you “I murmured while gazing up at the grey clouds who were threatening to spit out droplets of water.

“Raven, you are the best’s sister anyone can ask for” he said sarcastically.

“I know, aren’t you lucky? “I replied smiling a bit.

I took him to his class and I already knew I was late to school so there was no point in speed walking; I took my time and got there at break.

Students were everywhere and some were together like a flock of flamingos, I examined the area until my eyes landed on my two best friends.

“Bolton and Jordan, over here!” I said while waving my arms in front of the herds of students rushing past to get to the canteen area. They trotted over and I was greeted with Bolton’s huge grin, his brown hair slightly covered his light brown eyes, I couldn’t help but smile back.

“So, Raven what’s with the lateness?” Jordan asked curiously. Jordan was a bit more muscled than Bolton, but Jordan also has brown hair, but more lighter and isn't covering his eyes.

“I had to drop off my brother to school”

They both nodded in understanding. This is what I love about my two guy friends, they always understood.

“Hey guys I just need to go to the toilet quickly before class, I’ll meet you in biology.” they both nodded and Bolton happily said “should I wait for you and we’ll walk together” while Jordan just bobbed his head in agreement.

“No it’s okay; I’ll be fine by myself “I said hurriedly and rushed past the overcrowded students and jotted to the girls restroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a girl with striking blue eyes as auburn hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. I just sighed and went into one of the cubicles; just as I sat down on the toilet seat I heard a group of girls entering the toilet. From what I can hear they sounded like the popular girls in my school.

Just great I thought and stayed where I was deciding to eavesdrop in their conversation.

Courtney, the leading bitch in the popular shrieked “oh my god, did you guys see the new biology teacher!”

“What new teacher?” one of her plastic followers, I think her name is Lauren suddenly asked interested.

“He is like, smoking hot and he’s only like, I don’t know, maybe 26! “She squealed, I tried not to cringe at her annoying voice, but I couldn’t help but be interested myself, where did our old biology teacher go?

“Do you think he’ll find me pretty? “She swiftly asked, and then now’s the time I went out of the cubicle and went to wash my hands. Just as I suspected, Courtney was leaning forwards near the mirror while putting bright pink lip stick on.

She scoffed as she saw me and gave me a dirty look. So did her followers. We never liked each other since starting high school, actually I instantly became one of Courtney’s rival, Courtney basically hates me because of my taste in clothes and I just can’t bare her irritating voice all the time.

I returned their favour and barged past them without a thought.

As I paced quickly through the hallway, I realised just how late I was, over 6 minutes, and I had English.


I hurried my pace and I when I lifted my face up, I promptly froze on the spot. I stared at his familliar eyes.

“I told you I was going to see you again Raven Isaac “Archie smirked.

After all, maybe I do have a stalker.



# picture to the right is Raven




and FAN

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